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Aug. 6, 2024

Ep33 Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, PhD - The Secrets to Leading Without Battling or Struggling

She was a sought-after therapist for over 20 years, running multiple successful businesses. But something was missing.

Dr. Dorothy Martin-Neville found her true calling when she pivoted to executive coaching. In this candid conversation, she reveals how she helps leaders ditch the struggle mindset and lead with purpose instead of force.

Suzanne Taylor-King, the host, bares her soul as she shares how Dorothy's guidance allowed her to show up authentically and be "unrecognizable" to old friends - in the best way possible. You'll hear fascinating stories of CEOs getting thrown off when Dorothy skips surface-level chit-chat and dives into their core essence.

Line by line, Dorothy deconstructs the stark difference between being a boss and an inspirational leader. You'll learn the mindset shifts that allow leaders to:

• Inspire teams to unite behind a shared, exciting vision

• Replace anxiety and burnout with creativity and innovation

• Foster a culture of trust where people freely contribute ideas

• Boost productivity as people feel deeply invested in the company's success

• Massively increase profits by operating from a place of inner peace


Whether you're a CEO, entrepreneur, or aspiring leader, this episode will transform how you view leadership forever. Get ready to stop surviving and start thriving in your career - and life.


00:00:00:00 - 00:00:06:20
Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, PhD
when we come from our values, when we come from our vision, when we come from our purpose, the work we're doing feeds us. It doesn't drain us.

00:00:06:20 - 00:00:33:02
Suzanne Taylor-King
Hey, hey. Welcome to a podcast where dreams meet. Determination and success is just around the corner. I'm your host, Suzanne Taylor King. And I'm here to help you unlock the full potential of your business and your life. Welcome to Unlock Your Way with SDK. Let's unlock your path to success together.

00:00:33:02 - 00:01:06:22
Suzanne Taylor-King
They are alive. Hello. Hello, everyone. It's Suzanne Taylor King with another episode of Unlock Your Way with STK and. Woo hoo! Do we have a guest for you today, doctor Dorothy Martin Neville. She is a executive coach for Leaders in Transition. One of my personal mentors and a rock star in the coaching world. Welcome, doctor Dorothy.

00:01:07:00 - 00:01:09:21
Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, PhD
Hello there. Thank you so much. It's great to be here.

00:01:09:23 - 00:01:50:07
Suzanne Taylor-King
Well, you're so welcome. I am so excited for our conversation today. one of the things that I love most about you is just your willingness to be open and transparent and so conversational. We have had in the past almost two years of knowing each other. We have had some of the most incredible conversations, and I'm really excited for my viewers, my listeners, my followers to really grasp the wealth of knowledge that you bring to the table, not only for the public, but for your clients as well.

00:01:50:07 - 00:01:50:14
Suzanne Taylor-King
Thank you.

00:01:50:14 - 00:01:51:13
Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, PhD
So much. Thank you.

00:01:51:13 - 00:02:03:03
Suzanne Taylor-King
You're welcome. You're welcome. All right, let's get it started. how did this begin for you? This this coaching journey? Where did it start?

00:02:03:05 - 00:02:27:20
Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, PhD
Oh, my goodness, it started. Actually, I had lived overseas. I had lived overseas for ten years on Anguilla. And when I came back to the States, I had three companies at the time, and I was flying back and forth to America from the beginning with the 15 years. You want to move back here? I did I feel reassessment of where am I with my like, where am I with all of my companies, what do I want to do with my life going forward?

00:02:27:22 - 00:02:47:10
Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, PhD
And and I took about 2 or 3 years to get a clear picture. And I had had previously, as is a therapist in 42 patients a week for 20 plus years, you know, doing psychotherapy. And I also had a school and I had founded the Institute of Healing Arts and Sciences, and I had a nonprofit that I had founded on the Institute for Energy.

00:02:47:12 - 00:02:50:22
Suzanne Taylor-King
Wonder. You needed a break in the island.

00:02:51:00 - 00:03:12:15
Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, PhD
So and, I had dropped my baby off, at university. I at Cornell when, just when I came back and left the country for ten years. But in in doing so, when I came back to the States after ten years, reassessed because America had changed dramatically from when I had left and it had changed. And, the student body was a different population.

00:03:12:17 - 00:03:34:04
Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, PhD
We are trained thousands, but it was a different population at that time. And, it was no longer something I enjoyed. means, very much, people far more interested in getting certification because we were, approved by the commissioner of the Department of Higher Education. People were thinking if they come to my school, they don't need to do personal growth.

00:03:34:04 - 00:03:56:17
Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, PhD
They'll just graduate, do the minimal amount of work, get a certification. They can charge insurance companies for work as a healer and as an energy medicine practitioner. In my easy that was not the premise of my school. I trained people physicians, nurses, occupational therapists, physical therapists, all kinds of folks, as well as laypeople who wanted to be energy medicine practitioners.

00:03:56:19 - 00:04:24:10
Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, PhD
in the psycho spiritual cause or correlation of physical disease and disorders. And it really was a four year transformational program so that the folks who graduated from my program were not the same people as those who entered. There was an absolute transformational process. It took place for them as individuals as well as them as medical practitioners. And when people simply wanted certification, they didn't want that transformational process.

00:04:24:15 - 00:04:44:09
Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, PhD
Yeah. No longer was the program I had established and it had for 19 years. It was a very different it was simply an academic program. And that's not what I wanted. I taught in grad school for years. I was a clinical instructor at UConn Medical School. Just running an academic program was of no interest. So I ended up closing that in and closing that.

00:04:44:09 - 00:05:03:06
Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, PhD
I closed the nonprofit as well, because my students, who were the ones who would be doing research, utilizing grants to use my work and relationship to various diseases. So all those businesses closed and I thought, what do I do next? And I could go back to being a full time therapist, but I had no interest in doing that anymore.

00:05:03:08 - 00:05:21:01
Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, PhD
They were I want so much more. I wanted to have far greater impact. And having worked with these leaders in medicine that had gone through my program, I saw for every physician or nurse or whomever that went through my program, I was not only impacting them, I was impacting the thousands of people they would be working with over the course of their career.

00:05:21:03 - 00:05:44:06
Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, PhD
Right. So my legacy, if you will. And then health care was being spread to thousands by every student. It went through my program and I thought how can I have the greatest impact? Again, with this sense of presence, this sense of, knowing this inner wisdom that I possessed at this point? How could I best effect the world now without the school?

00:05:44:10 - 00:06:03:19
Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, PhD
And my thought was I could go into coaching, which didn't exist, went out of the country, which now was an industry here in the state, not what it is today, but it was in the winter gates. And I thought, oh, let me research this. And so I studied with the woman who had helped, develop Tony Robbins coaching programs.

00:06:03:21 - 00:06:26:23
Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, PhD
And so I studied with Carolyn and out in Marina del Rey. So I flew out there for about a year training with her and thought that if I could work with executives who are in transition and allow them to see it as a freeing experience of coming alive young, they could had such an impact on their organization, whether they had 100 employees or 100,000 employees.

00:06:27:01 - 00:06:45:00
Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, PhD
The impact, cultural impact that that could make would be massive in supporting people's emotional, spiritual and physical health. By recognizing that when we come from our values, when we come from our vision, when we come from our purpose, the work we're doing feeds us. It doesn't drain us.

00:06:45:02 - 00:07:29:00
Suzanne Taylor-King
Oh, I'm speechless because it's actually happened to me in working with you. Everything you just said I'm experiencing full force right now. I have goosebumps and my whole. And my hair standing up on the back of my neck and my arms right now. So thank you. love when that happens. But this experience of becoming, this experience of stepping into your full potential is really priceless.

00:07:29:02 - 00:08:09:15
Suzanne Taylor-King
Priceless. So thank you so much for doing the work that you do and the ripple effect that it will have on my future clients, that it's already happening on my friends and my family. And I think that really needs to be conceptualized because that's that's the difference that leaders get when they hire you. And let's just talk about the fact that three people who I've known for years did not recognize me when they saw me, you know, it's been six months, a couple of them a couple of years.

00:08:09:17 - 00:08:24:06
Suzanne Taylor-King
But let's talk a little bit about the fact of becoming unrecognized, sizable as a as a leader. Your whole entire being changes when you do this work.

00:08:24:08 - 00:08:51:01
Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, PhD
It does because when you have a belief system and this really is is a holistic, transformational approach, which is who I am and what I do. Right. But when you have a belief system that I can make it happen, I can get us there, I can pull us through. There is a congested energy that comes together in and a place of force in place of well, which is really all the energy in the back of your body.

00:08:51:01 - 00:09:14:05
Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, PhD
You're pushing your way through it. All these imaginary enemies, these imaginary obstacles, these struggles. They said there's a real belief in the need to struggle and to push. Yes, that brings your energy in. It really contracts it because you've got to become. You can imagine a football running, running down the field there ready to go. And and they're protecting themselves from anybody who's going to take them down.

00:09:14:06 - 00:09:34:15
Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, PhD
They want to make that goal, that touchdown. So it just is really something else altogether. And when you can give up the idea of struggle, when you give up the idea of confronting every obstacle that comes in your way, you know, you stop running in defense.

00:09:34:17 - 00:09:35:21
Suzanne Taylor-King

00:09:35:23 - 00:10:01:12
Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, PhD
And you start sitting back being far more clear about where it is I want to go where it is. I want to take my company, which, whichever it may be. And as you're far clearer about that, you're focused on taking yourself or your company where you want it to go. You're far less focused on all the obstacles, imaginary obstacles.

00:10:01:12 - 00:10:13:14
Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, PhD
More times than not, all of those are the situations that are showing up. So you have a completely different view of where you're going. You're coming at this from a far more peaceful and purposeful place.

00:10:13:14 - 00:10:36:06
Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, PhD
this is where I want us to go. All right. My experience in working with leaders is frequently, when they went into a theoretical obstacle, they want to attack it, take it down. My perspective is always is there a way we can simply walk around it and keep on going? Now, some need to be dealt with because it could become infectious and then become larger, right?

00:10:36:06 - 00:10:59:00
Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, PhD
Some of them are just a distraction. So let's just work around it and keep on going. And as we're walking, we know we've protected ourselves against that. But without the fear, without the the battle and just put something in place and we keep on going and it becomes just a bump in the road rather than a major obstacle that keeps getting us stuck.

00:10:59:00 - 00:11:29:00
Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, PhD
But if I believe that life is a struggle, I am going to find struggle everywhere. Yeah, if I believe life is a gift and me, things show up. I'm going to deal with things when they show up, but I'm just dealing with them. I'm not fighting them. I'm not in battle. Right? I'm not anxious. I'm not in aggression, you know, because I can't have my creativity, my intuitiveness, my innovativeness working beautifully.

00:11:29:02 - 00:11:55:03
Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, PhD
If I'm in aggression. I need to be back in a place of peace. I'm not saying there's no innovation in aggression. It's just that there's so much more when you're not in that state of mind and your energy is dramatically different. And, you know, if you're sitting in a room and somebody walks in and the energy they walk in with is, I'm ready to attack you, you shift your energy.

00:11:55:05 - 00:11:56:05
Suzanne Taylor-King
You're like, oh, yeah.

00:11:56:07 - 00:12:13:21
Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, PhD
Watch this. And now here we go. Or you collapse because you're frightened. We'll how you carry your energy has massive impact. So you have a belief that there's struggle everywhere. Guess what? Folks are going to show up to battle with you.

00:12:13:23 - 00:12:40:04
Suzanne Taylor-King
Oh, then I'd self-sabotage that subconscious, some limiting beliefs or self-sabotage or whatever it is, shows up so fiercely. And I've seen it with my clients. I've seen it with myself. what do you do if somebody doesn't see how that's showing up for them?

00:12:40:06 - 00:12:42:09
Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, PhD
Well, I like to do reality checks.

00:12:43:07 - 00:13:00:15
Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, PhD
Because I can do all the theory in the world, and they get caught in their head. Yeah. If the reality checks on. Tell me about some of your experiences with the last five struggles you've had. tell me how they showed up. Tell me how you dealt with them. Tell me what's going on now in relationship to it and when.

00:13:00:16 - 00:13:26:02
Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, PhD
Then frequently folks don't see patterns when they can see this a pattern in how they deal or don't deal, there's a pattern in the ramification. Then all of a sudden it's not my intellectual awareness here. It's looking at their life and the pragmatic reality of what's taking place. Yes. Right. And when you can develop that level of emotional intelligence, I can understand how I operate.

00:13:26:02 - 00:13:52:01
Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, PhD
I can see what I do in this situation. I can see how I reacted or responded in this situation. Now I am far more aware next time I'm in that situation of what I'm doing and what I'm learning. Yeah. When you develop that level of self-awareness without self-judgment, self-hatred, self-blame, any of that just self understanding, you have a far greater understanding of other people.

00:13:52:02 - 00:14:01:01
Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, PhD
Yes. And with that, then I can look at somebody and energetically see they're not coming in from truth.

00:14:01:03 - 00:14:03:09
Suzanne Taylor-King
They're smooth.

00:14:03:11 - 00:14:24:12
Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, PhD
But there's something they're hiding. They're smooth. But what they're saying, does it correlate to what I've just seen. Yeah. And so yeah, but I don't go into fear in battle. And I'm going to get them. Who do they think they are trying to trick me. It's like, wait a minute, what's really going on? Because if this is how they're operating with me, this is how they operate everywhere.

00:14:24:13 - 00:14:34:17
Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, PhD
Yes. Right. So let me respond to them differently than all the other people and how they respond to that.

00:14:34:17 - 00:14:47:14
Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, PhD
And I get that frequently. You know, I think I told you yesterday, the other day above and on on zoom here who I blew her out of the water, you know, somebody said, you've got to meet this woman.

00:14:47:14 - 00:15:11:00
Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, PhD
I called her, we had a zoom session, and I simply said to her, I nice to meet you as well. And then I said, tell me something about yourself. I said, I know I can read LinkedIn gives me the facts. I'd love to know from you. Tell me something about yourself that's more than the facts. And she went, nobody's ever asked me about me.

00:15:11:02 - 00:15:20:09
Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, PhD
Well, and I thought I didn't sit here thinking, how could I throw or face? What could I do? This. There was no devious plot. There was just

00:15:20:09 - 00:15:25:05
Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, PhD
Yeah. I want to know who you are. Not just the facts of what you've done or not done with your life.

00:15:25:05 - 00:15:29:22
Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, PhD
Because I know what you've done can say very little about who you are.

00:15:30:00 - 00:15:32:01
Suzanne Taylor-King
Is not the truth. Okay?

00:15:32:03 - 00:16:01:01
Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, PhD
I want to know you. And so this woman was absolutely thrown in. That is a common reaction for me of people saying, nobody's ever asked me that before. By where did that question come from? just an honest desire to know you. Because if I'm going to be in any type of relationship with you, especially if you're going to be my client, I want to know who you are, because that's where the transformation of change begins.

00:16:01:03 - 00:16:25:15
Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, PhD
Because just to give you things to do, I could stay here and just type it up and send it to you. Right? But to know who you are means I want to know how you function emotionally, how you function spiritually. What kind of energy do you put out into the world? what reaction do you get from the energy you put out into the world?

00:16:25:17 - 00:16:38:11
Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, PhD
And is it the reaction or response you're looking for? Yeah, because if people are reacting to you, they're not able to see you. If people respond to you, it's because they saw you.

00:16:38:13 - 00:17:04:21
Suzanne Taylor-King
Oh, I love I love that, I think one of the gifts of that work is bravery, that it allows you as a as a leader, as a coach. I mean, just as a human in general. It allows you to go out into the world fully expressed as yourself and affect the people or lead the people that are meant to be led.

00:17:05:00 - 00:17:39:15
Suzanne Taylor-King
Right. Like I was in a room of 50 people the other night in person, and there was a woman I talked to who was looking for her next position. And I have a knack with people like that. And in the past I would not have, I think I would have just behaved differently. But the bravery that came out, I still me about your passions and your skills and the things you love to do.

00:17:39:17 - 00:17:42:19
Suzanne Taylor-King
And she said, oh, nobody's ever asked me.

00:17:42:19 - 00:17:44:18
Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, PhD
That now,

00:17:44:20 - 00:18:13:21
Suzanne Taylor-King
And she said all of these things. And I said, do you mind if I share what I heard? And she said, oh my gosh, I would love that. I said, it's three words. You're a concierge, very boutique networker or connector. And she went, oh my God, that's a whole business in three words. And I then have to be a business.

00:18:13:21 - 00:18:30:18
Suzanne Taylor-King
But it's definitely who you are with all of those things that you said. And she said, I don't know who you are or what you do, but that was amazing. And thank you for being so brave, right?

00:18:30:19 - 00:18:37:00
Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, PhD
That is truly who you are. And so one more thing to me is you showed up. Yes.

00:18:37:02 - 00:19:28:16
Suzanne Taylor-King
You, because of this work that we're talking about, I couldn't I wanted to show up like that. I had the desire to show up like that, but it was energetically impossible to do without the past two years of work on myself. And most are not willing to do that work. That's my little pat on the back. But I will say it's the most powerful thing you ever do for yourself as a leader, as a whether you're an influencer or a CEO, whether like if you do that, all of the people on your team, your board of directors, your, you know, your children will have a different reaction to you.

00:19:28:18 - 00:19:52:21
Suzanne Taylor-King
And and that's what we're all trying to to do as leaders, as humans in the world. Let's talk a little bit about the ripple effect of doing this work for yourself as a leader. How have you seen it affect the rest of a leader's life? Like where where does it trickle down to?

00:19:52:23 - 00:20:21:10
Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, PhD
Oh, it trickles down completely. I had, one client I can discuss. when she hired me, she had heard me speak someplace. She hired me, and, was head of a major division of a major hospital here in the US and said, I need, coach. And I said, oh, how can I help? She said, everybody in my office is a pain in the, and I said, really?

00:20:21:12 - 00:20:39:17
Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, PhD
And of course, to myself, I'm laughing, thinking, that may be one pain in the back that I wonder who that could be. But I said, ooh, I said, they you didn't hire them. She goes, no. And I treat them all really terrific. I don't know what the hell their problem is because I do everything right with them.

00:20:39:17 - 00:21:12:02
Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, PhD
And I thought, okay, well, let's start. And when that's how she came on, that's what she wanted to work with. What I know from experience is that that's really what this is really about. That's the safest thing to present. Right. And so when I would say to her, after about an hour of discussing this and up for a session, you know, first time together, we said, do you do you realize you've used the term I will be 30 times in the hour?

00:21:12:02 - 00:21:55:05
Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, PhD
We're talking? I said, could it be that everything's about you? But I'm the leader? yes. actually, you're the boss. that's a big difference. You're the boss here. You're not the leader. So if I'm going to support you in your leadership, let's take a look at what's going on. And by the time we did that, and this is just one small, isolated incident, by the time we did that and then could look at how she was working with all the different committees within the hospital setting and look at all of the different heads of departments in the heads of, a school versus the hospital versus the clinics versus all these other

00:21:55:05 - 00:21:56:03
Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, PhD

00:21:56:05 - 00:21:59:04
Suzanne Taylor-King
So the human.

00:21:59:06 - 00:22:27:12
Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, PhD
When you learn to deal with the first group differently, and it isn't about simply changing behavior when it becomes about us as a team. And this was this, this not it's not the problem with everybody I work with, but I'm just using this one example. When we could move into us instead of I. Not that the I was never said the I was important, but when it's us it changes.

00:22:27:14 - 00:22:53:06
Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, PhD
So then change is how she goes into meetings in different departments. It changes how she goes into meetings every place else. But more importantly, it changes how she sees herself in the world. Because if I need to be in charge, because a good leader is in charge of everything and everybody and knows exactly what's going on everywhere at all times with everybody, not only am I going to be overwhelmed, I'm going to become physically you.

00:22:53:08 - 00:22:54:09
Suzanne Taylor-King

00:22:54:11 - 00:23:23:10
Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, PhD
I am going to be exhausted, overwhelmed and in defense as a way of life. Yeah. When it becomes us, there's a whole other division there. I can let go of 60 parts of energetic baggage, because now I can be present and share the responsibility. Yes, you may be the last point of of blame, if you will, although the last point of credit.

00:23:23:12 - 00:23:35:21
Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, PhD
But you're not carrying it all on your own shoulders, and you don't have to be responsible for everybody and everything, you can allow yourself to develop leaders all around you.

00:23:35:23 - 00:24:04:22
Suzanne Taylor-King
that well, that's a vulnerability piece that I think a lot of leaders don't realize. Right, right. instead of being the the guru and do what I say, leader, you become the guide that encourages other people to step into their leadership, thereby being a better leader. And that feels hard for people. That's snoring. It's scary.

00:24:05:00 - 00:24:33:21
Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, PhD
Right? It is scary because, I mean, that's where the whole imposter syndrome comes from. Yes, because of who we are supposed to be as leaders. And that's that's an image somebody created. but it's a fallacy. And so when we can step back and look at when I know what my vision is for me, and if I'm an entrepreneur or a small business person, a medium sized business, when I know from my business that I founded, I know what the vision is.

00:24:33:23 - 00:24:57:07
Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, PhD
And I'm so in love with my vision in creating and having the impact and influence I want with that, you find out that that becomes infectious. The people you work with end up having the same vision. Yeah. So they come in to work and we all have bad days. We all don't want to go there, and we all have parts of our job that we don't like, whether it's the paperwork or the phone calls that

00:24:57:08 - 00:25:23:21
Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, PhD
There's always pieces we don't like. But if I'm in love with my vision and I bring that up to everybody else, then what ends up happening is that. They are living. Their vision is, if I'm more creative than I am, they may have another idea that I didn't think about. And so together we're expanding the vision. And now this is about passion.

00:25:23:21 - 00:25:30:10
Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, PhD
This is about vibrancy. This is about loving what I'm doing. Think of the culture in that company.

00:25:30:15 - 00:25:57:04
Suzanne Taylor-King
Oh, that's why I was just going to say it's contagious culture. Like, that's amazing culture. Yeah. You too. I've been in that environment in the dental world and it was amazing. It was it was a marketing team on steroids. When you have, you know, 20 people all just functioning together and loving where they work and sharing that with the outside world.

00:25:57:06 - 00:26:21:06
Suzanne Taylor-King
My boss at the time didn't need marketing because of that, because we were all like these advocates for the brand and the company. And I don't think people fully understand that. And, Renee, who's joining us on LinkedIn, I hope that's how you pronounce your name. Renee. he has a question for us or for you, doctor.

00:26:21:06 - 00:26:34:21
Suzanne Taylor-King
Dorothy, can you unpack the difference between a leader and a boss and how somebody goes from being, a boss when they work with you to being that leader?

00:26:34:23 - 00:26:54:20
Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, PhD
Almost definitely. There's a huge differentiation. A boss is someone who is very much in charge. I, Jose, I'm the head. This is it. And this is the way it's going to go. This is why we don't do anything. This talk about, I've just given my dictate out there in you will go by my dictation here. This is what we're doing.

00:26:54:22 - 00:27:01:01
Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, PhD
I am the great in charge and dictate dictator of the place. A leader inspires.

00:27:01:03 - 00:27:02:02
Suzanne Taylor-King
Or a.

00:27:02:02 - 00:27:25:19
Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, PhD
Leader calls people to follow them because people believe in the vision. People believe in the individual even if they don't understand your vision, because it's maybe too expansive for them to understand the full picture. Or maybe it's so involved, it takes too long to explain that you have in a particular meeting. But if they believe in you, yeah, they follow you.

00:27:25:21 - 00:27:55:14
Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, PhD
They trust you, and they trust that where you work, making them is going to be someplace they want to go. And in doing that, they become so excited about whatever this project is or the entire purpose of the company, whatever it may be. Because in larger companies, we're talking about departments or divisions of a company, you know, it but it becomes a culture where they feel comfortable offering you an idea and you don't you don't have to take it.

00:27:55:16 - 00:28:16:06
Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, PhD
But when you can value hearing it, when you feel terrific, you know, my daughter called me, a couple of years ago. She said, mom, I'm calling the five most powerful, intelligent women I know. I may not take your ideas, but I want to run something by you. What are your thoughts on this particular subject? And so she canvased five.

00:28:16:08 - 00:28:36:22
Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, PhD
And it wasn't like any one of them was right, which she wanted. You get different perspectives on it. And from all that, that it allowed her to take her idea to the next level. It's like an a piece of everybody's or most. If somebody is, it doesn't really matter. But it was a willingness to say, I'm the leader and where I'm going, okay.

00:28:37:00 - 00:29:02:23
Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, PhD
And I want input to help expand where that is. Think of how important those five people found that they could offer suggestions, not advice, but suggestions to somebody. And where to take the rest of the journey that they were walking. Right. That the validation and the respect that you get when you do that, a leader is going to do that with folks in the company.

00:29:03:01 - 00:29:26:20
Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, PhD
You know, you may be quite surprised. Even the receptionist has an idea of something that could be changed because she is dealing with something every single day. Yeah, say thank you once scheme. I think we should do such and so. And boy when they feel that respected, you bet they have a greater pride in their position. They have great pride in working with you.

00:29:26:22 - 00:29:28:13
Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, PhD
And yeah.

00:29:28:15 - 00:29:39:22
Suzanne Taylor-King
Sometimes the mailroom, the mail delivery guy, sometimes he sees way more than the CEO. So it's really important to get that input from.

00:29:40:03 - 00:29:40:18
Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, PhD

00:29:40:20 - 00:29:41:17
Suzanne Taylor-King
Entire team.

00:29:41:17 - 00:30:03:15
Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, PhD
Yes, they become more invested in the company and in you as the leader. Yes. Because you as the leader heard what they had to say. Now a boss is going to say we will do it the way I said we do it. A leader's going to say I hadn't even thought about that. Thank you. And it's not because I'm dumb.

00:30:03:15 - 00:30:29:20
Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, PhD
It's not because I don't think it's because I've got so much else on my plate. I never thought about that. But that's an important thing for me to look at. Yeah. And now you've changed the energy. So that is what a leader does. It's not what a boss does. And you know, and boy, does it make your life much easier as a leader because you're getting input from people who trust you and you're getting people far more invested in your company.

00:30:29:22 - 00:30:38:20
Suzanne Taylor-King
Yeah, yeah. Thank you so much for answering that. For for him and and for all of us. my last question for you.

00:30:38:20 - 00:30:58:11
Suzanne Taylor-King
Is about that, personal ROI, that leaders get when they work with you. let's talk about that personal just effect that this work has.

00:30:58:10 - 00:31:25:15
Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, PhD
It's life changing. Those who truly work with me. And and it's a good price. So because it isn't just dropping ideas, it's transformational work. So my experience is that what many have said to me is you didn't change my career. You changed my life. my relationship with my partner is dramatically different. It's what I always wanted and never thought I could have.

00:31:25:17 - 00:31:52:05
Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, PhD
My relationship with my kids is dramatically different. My outlook on life is something I can't believe exists, and what they will say to me is before I would rephrase it, as they were surviving, they were getting through their life. And whether you make 50,000 or 50 million when you're getting through the day, you're surviving. Yeah, when you can come back.

00:31:52:07 - 00:32:19:20
Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, PhD
And this is the feedback I get. You have changed how I approach life. You've changed how I see me. You've changed my ability to see my future in a whole new way that I couldn't have imagined a year ago. Right. So it's really about providing a whole new approach to their life, and it doesn't mean changing their jobs or quitting or retiring or going to another company.

00:32:19:20 - 00:32:40:15
Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, PhD
Whatever the case may be, whatever their situation is, they may do that, but it may be they stay in the same place, but they do it in a dramatically different way. Yeah. You know, and they don't need the defenses they have. They don't need the affairs or the alcohol or the the drugs or whatever. I have a drink.

00:32:40:15 - 00:33:06:19
Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, PhD
I mean, I have nothing against anything. I don't really care. But when you go and hide because you don't know how to let go of the the stress because you don't know how to deal, you don't reach that level except on rare occasions. Now, nothing makes your life perfect. Welcome to life. But when you know how to deal with the difficult times without going into major defense and they become half as difficult.

00:33:06:20 - 00:33:08:05
Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, PhD
Yeah, right.

00:33:08:10 - 00:33:38:21
Suzanne Taylor-King
And that's really when you get the financial ROI from all people and yourself working on your team, working on culture, working on performance, working on your business in general. The only way to get a financial ROI is if you're willing to look at and see things differently, right? Like if you're going to change a marketing campaign for a major company because you want to focus on making more money, it's about seeing things differently.

00:33:39:00 - 00:33:40:23
Suzanne Taylor-King
You need a different perspective.

00:33:41:01 - 00:33:42:14
Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, PhD
And absolutely.

00:33:42:15 - 00:34:14:14
Suzanne Taylor-King
I'm so lucky to have received that perspective from you. and anyone who chooses to work with you and do this work, will receive not only financial rewards, but just the internal rewards of knowing you're making a bigger difference in the world, affecting more people with just that presence that is so, so needed in today's world.

00:34:14:16 - 00:34:40:10
Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, PhD
And in the money. The money goes so much further as well. Well, yeah. When we were talking about, the employees, when they're invested in your company because they know you've heard them and they're working harder, they're working more productively, they are more invested. You're making money because your people are working far more effectively. And because you're not in tightness in defense, you have the ability to be far more creative.

00:34:40:12 - 00:34:58:16
Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, PhD
What you can bring in your company is far more than you could have brought in when you were surviving and making it go, yeah, and what ends up happening is, because of that, you may create more streams of income. You may find other usages for products you already possess. There's so many more things that can happen for you.

00:34:58:20 - 00:35:26:06
Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, PhD
You can expand the company's divisions. You can do so many more things that financial development comes in, your appreciation of the benefits of that financial development comes because you're in, mindset. You're in a place where your creativity is feeding you and you have far more enjoyment to appreciate that vacation, to appreciate the luxury that you now have.

00:35:26:09 - 00:35:49:06
Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, PhD
Yes. Oh, and it's not that you didn't have the best before, but now you can see it in a completely different way. That financial freedom that you know is, is a huge benefit. It's not the sole goal, it's the huge benefit. And it becomes more and more of a benefit when it's not the goal. And that seems amazingly ironic, but it's not.

00:35:49:08 - 00:36:07:21
Suzanne Taylor-King
Yeah. Yeah. Well, I've, I've met many, many an unhappy millionaire billionaire in my time. And you know, it's not about the money and the people who think it's about the money probably want more of it. And that's the problem. Well.

00:36:07:23 - 00:36:28:13
Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, PhD
Actually, I had a conversation this morning. Oh, the money is your reason for doing this. You will never have enough. Right. I want my money now. I want 10 million now. I want 100 million. Why can't I create a half a million? you know, 500 million. Why can't I be a billionaire? Where is the problem here?

00:36:28:15 - 00:36:55:21
Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, PhD
how many billionaires are saying I have enough? Yeah, right. When I have a vision and it is so creative and enough people are online with me to make this happen. Now all this money is coming in, and that's glorious. But my real passion is the vision is getting larger and larger, and the money keeps pouring in and there's never going to be this not enough.

00:36:55:23 - 00:37:16:04
Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, PhD
Yeah, there's more than enough and you know it. But with your vision, it's never that I didn't. I didn't have it. It's I'm so excited by how big it keeps getting by the imagined influence I keep having. And that's exciting. And now we're talking about excitement versus desperation because it's never enough.

00:37:16:06 - 00:37:43:01
Suzanne Taylor-King
Yeah I that's that's a perfect wrap up. Thank you so much. This this feels like a coaching session for any of our listeners. so if any of you want to get in touch, please follow Dorothy on LinkedIn. Her content is just absolutely stellar. And meaningful. but how can they get in touch with you, Dorothy, besides LinkedIn?

00:37:43:03 - 00:38:14:21
Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, PhD
certainly my email is Dorothy. And ask Doctor a dorothy.com Dorothy at ask Dr. Dorothy. why.com they have that my website asked dorothy.com. They've got both. Just check me out drop me a line if they choose. I love this work. I absolutely love this work. And to me, the gift of bringing freedom to people through the transformational process and expanding their leadership, their impact, their influence in increases your income and it increases their enjoyment of life.

00:38:14:23 - 00:38:19:11
Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, PhD
Oh yeah. And because of what you and I both know, it also increases their health.

00:38:19:13 - 00:38:19:23
Suzanne Taylor-King

00:38:20:05 - 00:38:23:14
Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, PhD
You know, because a happy life becomes a healthy life.

00:38:23:16 - 00:38:32:02
Suzanne Taylor-King
Absolutely. Well, thank you so much for being a guest here today and such a soul force in my life. I appreciate you.

00:38:32:03 - 00:38:35:09
Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, PhD
Thank you. It's always a joy. Bye bye.

00:38:35:11 - 00:38:36:03
Suzanne Taylor-King

00:38:36:03 - 00:39:03:21
Suzanne Taylor-King
Thank you for tuning in to another empowering episode of Unlock Your Way. I hope you found today's discussion inspiring, and you're ready to take your business and personal growth to that next level. If you're feeling is fired up as I am and eager to unlock that full potential, I'm here to help you on your journey and provide that personalized guidance tailored to your unique goals and challenges.

00:39:03:23 - 00:39:30:16
Suzanne Taylor-King
Simply book a one on one coaching call with me, and we'll dive deep into your business aspirations and see how we could co-create a roadmap for your success. And whether you're striving to scale an enterprise size or just getting started. I'm here to support you every step of the way. To schedule your coaching call, simply visit the website and unlock your way with SI.com.

00:39:30:18 - 00:40:09:16
Suzanne Taylor-King
Click on the Book a Call button and we'll turn your dreams into that reality. Subscribe and review on your favorite podcast platform and on YouTube. Plus, you can join over 800 entrepreneurs in the Idea Lab, Facebook group. Let's make success as an entrepreneur happen together. Until next time, I'm AK. Keep dreaming big. Stay focused. And most of all, have fun while you're doing it.


Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, PhD Profile Photo

Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, PhD

Author | International Speaker | Coach

In transition, whether due to a job change, forming a new business, leaving a career, or a major life shift, perspectives shape our reality causing transition to be justification for grief, fear, and confusion or seen as an adventure in freedom, reflection, and renewed self-definition. While some may feel trepidation seeing it as a period of loss and confusion, I see it as a time for expansion, transformation, and the realization of enhanced possibilities. The narratives we embrace are pivotal—they can either anchor us to old fears or propel us towards our dreams.

My widely varied personal journey fed my professional choice of guiding individuals through these pivotal transitions, not just to the next level, but into realms where vision, purpose, and dreams are not just articulated, but fully lived. Having founded five companies and aiding thousands in kickstarting, expanding, or shifting their endeavors, my experience has afforded me a unique vantage point. I've assisted senior executives in navigating their transitions, transforming not just their careers but their lives, by piercing through their stories and masks to unearth their real emotions and aspirations.

Clients often speak of the transformational impact our work together has on their careers, which invariably extends to improving their personal relationships and overall quality of life. Described as someone who "holds your heart while kicking your ass," I unveil the mind games you play with yourself, setting you free to embrace your authentic self and the success you aim to achi… Read More