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Aug. 13, 2024

Ep34 Spencer Jones - The Life-Changing Power of Energy Sovereignty

Spencer Jones went from being a choir director to a personal growth expert on a mission to help people step into their light and shine bright.

In this candid conversation with host Suzanne Taylor-King, Spencer shares his inspiring journey of hitting rock bottom, rediscovering his true self, and emerging as the Prince of Positivity.

He dives deep into the power of energy sovereignty - identifying and banishing energy vampires that drain your vitality. Spencer reveals practical strategies to build a positive, abundant mindset and find inner peace amidst chaos.

But it's not just personal anecdotes. Spencer backs his insights with scientific explanations, drawing parallels between energy vibrations and the harmonies of music. His relatable examples make complex concepts easy to understand and apply.

Suzanne, a charismatic entrepreneur herself, adds valuable perspectives. She prompts Spencer to reflect on navigating the ups and downs of personal growth, connecting the dots backwards, and the blessings (and challenges) of running a business with your spouse.

Key points to look out for:

• Powerful techniques to identify and eliminate energy vampires draining your vitality

• Practical strategies to cultivate a positive, abundant mindset rooted in energy vibrations

• Insights on finding inner peace and stepping into your authentic light

By the end, you'll gain a fresh perspective on taking charge of your energy, emotions and mindset. Get ready to vanquish self-doubts, worries and limiting beliefs that keep you stuck - and start shining your authentic light to the world.

Whether you're an entrepreneur, creative, or anyone craving more positivity and inner peace, this is an uplifting dose of motivation you need.



00:00:00:00 - 00:00:09:10
Suzanne Taylor-King
none of this that I talk about, as far as, you know, up leveling or upgrading or stepping into your charisma

00:00:09:11 - 00:00:14:13
Suzanne Taylor-King
it's not possible without really diving into yourself.

00:00:14:14 - 00:00:40:20
Suzanne Taylor-King
Hey, hey. Welcome to a podcast where dreams meet. Determination and success is just around the corner. I'm your host, Suzanne Taylor King. And I'm here to help you unlock the full potential of your business and your life. Welcome to Unlock Your Way with SDK. Let's unlock your path to success together.

00:00:40:20 - 00:00:55:00
Suzanne Taylor-King
Good morning. Good morning everyone. It's another Friday with Unlock Your Way with STK and we are here today with the Prince of Positivity, Spencer Jones. Welcome my friend.

00:00:55:02 - 00:00:58:16
Spencer Jones
Thank you, thank you, thank you for having me. I'm super excited to be here with you.

00:00:58:17 - 00:01:35:16
Suzanne Taylor-King
Yeah, I, I look forward to where this conversation goes today because we just met, a few months ago at an in-person conference. And I love this so much because energy is something you're all about, in your company. Jones. In for really ignites people's personal energy. And you do that in a number of ways. But what is really cool is that comes off when you meet you in person.

00:01:35:20 - 00:01:44:21
Suzanne Taylor-King
Like, it's just like an awesome, just vibe and energy. So really excited to support you today.

00:01:44:23 - 00:02:06:13
Spencer Jones
Well, thank you so much. I love the connection. When we met, at that event, it was so cool to feel your energy, your vibration, and you know, as a person who just embraces yourself and as, as best we can and shine our light when you see someone else shine their authentic light. And so putting up all the walls and facades and that it's like a fresh air.

00:02:06:13 - 00:02:23:18
Spencer Jones
So it was getting to see and view and have some conversations was, amazing. And such a beautiful breath of fresh air at that event and afterwards. And now to continue, our friendship and see where all this goes and impact even more lives. So thank you for having me. and, I just I love it, love it, love it.

00:02:23:20 - 00:03:01:01
Suzanne Taylor-King
You're so welcome. I my business was really built on in-person events before Covid. And, you know, getting back to those within the past six, eight months has really made me realize that I was missing personal energy and that idea of connecting with people and the sounds a little woowoo for some of my business followers, you know, but vibrational connecting with someone you know that gets you.

00:03:01:03 - 00:03:15:03
Suzanne Taylor-King
I think I was missing. So a lot of that in the virtual space, it is possible. But let me know your thoughts on getting back to personal events. I know you run a lot of events. What has that been like for you?

00:03:15:05 - 00:03:32:22
Spencer Jones
Well, you can get a connection with anybody, anywhere and any time. And so virtual events are great. And obviously during Covid when we had to go virtual, it's all we could do. So so of course we made it work. And that and you can have that connection. But it's at least for me I found it's not as deep of a connection.

00:03:32:22 - 00:03:50:12
Spencer Jones
At least you don't feel that energy quite as much as it is in person. Right? I've seen it with our events, whether it's our virtual wellness retreat or or, you know, we go to we went to Romania last year for one of our events or here in the States, but when you're in person, you could see the person's expressions.

00:03:50:12 - 00:04:09:04
Spencer Jones
You can look into their eyes more, you feel their energy. And as you mentioned, some of your your business followers are like, oh, this might be a little too woo woo. I totally get it. And that was me for for years and years. But until I realize every single thing is a vibration, everything, right from the words you're speaking to, to my water bottle.

00:04:09:05 - 00:04:30:05
Spencer Jones
So everything's a type of vibration. So once we once we could tune into that tune in in the sense of, oh, I sense it's energy of that person, right? If you're angry, you have a different vibration than when you're happy. Right? And so, and people, just with how they are, have their own energy, which means they have their own vibration.

00:04:30:10 - 00:04:53:18
Spencer Jones
So. Oh, this resonates or not. So, by trade, I, I'm a musician. I'm classically trained pianist. I was choir director for nine years. So if you think about it in the sense of music, right. You have chords, that make this beautiful harmony. Well, that's vibrations that work together, that resonate together. Right. And then there's the people you don't get along with.

00:04:53:20 - 00:05:13:10
Spencer Jones
or emotions like this just rubs me the wrong way. Well, those are vibrations that are dissonant, like two, two notes that are close together on a piano. Right? Or in music. Right. Oh, that's just that. That feeling said plays. And it's not right. Right. It's dissonant. That's all it is. It's. But it's with energy, with people like, oh, wrong with it.

00:05:13:10 - 00:05:19:08
Spencer Jones
There's nothing wrong with you, nothing wrong with me. But our vibrations are just dissonant. They're clashing right now.

00:05:19:09 - 00:05:20:06
Suzanne Taylor-King

00:05:20:08 - 00:05:34:17
Spencer Jones
But if we could be aware of that. So I get that it sounds woowoo. But if you can relate it to, like, oh, if everything's energy and we relate to something like music, like most people know about vibrations, sound waves, that then it makes a little more sense and more and more tangible.

00:05:34:19 - 00:06:06:09
Suzanne Taylor-King
Yeah, it really does. Because immediately I was thinking, you know, there's certain songs for me that get me relaxed. There's certain music that I've listened to my whole entire life that came from my parents. You know, my dad's love of, like, jazz and modern jazz. I can listen to that. And it immediately relaxes me. It immediately puts me in a different headspace.

00:06:06:11 - 00:06:32:11
Suzanne Taylor-King
And same with other music, you know, it's like my pump up music. And so if you think of people the same way, there's certain people that energize you and there's certain people that take away from that energy. And it's really it's such a personal feeling that tapping into that. How is that shifted business for you?

00:06:32:11 - 00:06:52:09
Spencer Jones
Oh, once I well, first of all, I had to tap into to myself. Yeah, I had it for years. I was just putting up a wall and facades and that fake image to try to be what I thought society wanted me to be, so I wasn't aware of my own energy or other thing. So when I heard that that's some of my goals is woo woo, this is crazy.

00:06:52:15 - 00:07:14:12
Spencer Jones
This doesn't make any sense at all for me. I hit my rock bottom, had to learn who I was again and realize, oh, this is who I am. These are my values. This is what, I this is where I'm going in life. This is, you know, what I want to do. And okay, so once I got to know me, then I could start recognizing, oh, that's why this relationship was always stressful.

00:07:14:12 - 00:07:34:18
Spencer Jones
Or if this is why or and isn't there. So now when I go to in-person events, I try to discern really quickly. I'm not judging anybody because their energies, their energy. I'm not saying it's good or bad, but I try to discern, hey, that energy's in alignment, that energy's not in alignment. Cool. And then we can then I'll go deeper with those conversations.

00:07:34:18 - 00:07:56:05
Spencer Jones
Right. So be friendly and kind. Everybody. But yeah let's let's discern so we can go deeper. so for me is how it changed business to actually head to the question you asked, is once I tapped into it, knowing it for me, then I could connect deeper with people that I know the right people to connect with because I go, oh, this is this is consonant, right?

00:07:56:05 - 00:08:15:09
Spencer Jones
This is, this more so, so okay, cool. Now I can talk and work with them and that just helps business once I get in tune with that. It wasn't a bunch of noise. It was much more direct and focus. So it's like knowing, okay, who's your ideal client? You know, do you know the demographics, the psychographics, all that once you know that, okay.

00:08:15:09 - 00:08:38:09
Spencer Jones
You know how to serve your people better. And when I learned my energy and understood it and it's trial and error. But once I got more in tune with that pun intended, then I was able to be more attuned to my audience and serve them in a better and deeper way, because I've only helped the business grow bigger and faster.

00:08:38:11 - 00:08:42:12
Spencer Jones
and, have a bigger impact than what we did before.

00:08:42:14 - 00:09:34:12
Suzanne Taylor-King
Well, I love the fact that you were aware that the work started in here first, because none of this that I talk about, as far as, you know, up leveling or upgrading or stepping into your charisma or stepping into your accelerated business goals, it's not possible without really diving into yourself. So that's one of the things that stood out about your talk and about you, is that you were willing to do that work on yourself, and maybe you didn't even know what the purpose of it was, or the goal of it was, but you knew that you had to do that in order to grow to that next level.

00:09:34:14 - 00:09:59:03
Spencer Jones
It it does amaze me how many people don't do that in their work and just, and still achieve success to some degree. But it's, it's more surface level success, at least it seems to me. And maybe I'm wrong, but, if you don't do that inner work, and for me, there was no question or choice about it because I lived for 20 plus years in my life, where I was putting out that facade and trying to get that success.

00:09:59:03 - 00:10:16:02
Spencer Jones
I was on this level. but the nickname my wife gave me before we met was ego Man. And so. Yeah, so I let my ego guide me for years and years, and even after we met, I still let it guide me for years and years. I don't know why. She went out on a date with me and married me, but I'm glad she did

00:10:16:02 - 00:10:32:01
Spencer Jones
being ego man, I let my ego make decisions for me, right? I actually follow things. I'll. Let's keep do this life. Knock me down. I'll get back up. I'm good. Let's keep going. And till I made some really stupid decisions. And life kicked that pedestal out from underneath me. And I came crashing down.

00:10:32:01 - 00:10:51:04
Spencer Jones
Hit my rock bottom where I felt cold, I felt alone, and I had my wife and 1 or 2 people. But that was about it. And, you know, I felt cold, alone, tired, exhausted. I didn't know who I was like, I didn't know if I like chocolate cake. Like I couldn't tell you if it was because someone else said I should like chocolate cake or I really did.

00:10:51:04 - 00:11:10:13
Spencer Jones
Or do I like this kind of movie or show? I didn't know and so I really had to discover who I was again, if I want to keep going. At that point, I was I was suicidal, I didn't want to live. I didn't know what to do. And the crazy part is I was already doing personal growth at that time, right?

00:11:10:13 - 00:11:33:23
Spencer Jones
I was already working out stuff, but I only let it get so deep. But now that I was at rock bottom, it finally had fertile soil to to take hold you what? Your therapist. And they reinforced some of the tools that I was already doing and using and offered new ones. that then helped me really dig in and get to know who I am and was where where I'm going so that I can keep going forward.

00:11:34:04 - 00:11:57:18
Spencer Jones
But it's still hard. It doesn't happen overnight. And I remember thinking at that time, well, what does this mean? Like why? Why keep doing this? What's the purpose of this? What's the goal? What's a silver lining? What's the positive? And this whole crap show of life that's going on with me and I couldn't tell you, like, at that point I'm an optimistic person.

00:11:57:18 - 00:12:15:00
Spencer Jones
Let's look at it. The glass is half full, right? To look for that silver lining. I can tell you what it is at that point. Now, I could I could look back and tell you clear. But at that point, all I could tell myself and tell the world is there. I'm learning something. I don't know what I'm going to learn in this process.

00:12:15:02 - 00:12:37:18
Spencer Jones
I'm going to learn something that's help other people at some point, either avoid it or get through this faster. What that is, I don't know because I'm learning it right now. So but yeah, we something and that's as far as I could go at the time. But then as I've gotten farther and farther away from that, kept learning and growing, it's gotten clearer and clear of how I've been able to help people now with energy and mindset.

00:12:37:18 - 00:12:51:00
Spencer Jones
And oh, let's help you master your energy sovereignty so you don't have those energy vampires sucking away the you have the good positive energy flow in, and you're able to balance that and really shine your true light.

00:12:51:02 - 00:13:15:13
Suzanne Taylor-King
I, I laugh and I, and I stand smiling inside because I remember that spot for myself. And you just described it so, so well that you so many times we try to connect the dots for word like, why am I learning this? Where is this going to go? What am I going to do with it? How's it going to serve me?

00:13:15:15 - 00:13:49:19
Suzanne Taylor-King
And in reality, the only thing we can do is connect the dots backwards. Like, oh, I learned that because of this, and that happened because of this. And it led me to this. And I think that's really a beautiful remembrance of that. Because when we try to connect dots forward, oh, what do I need to learn next? Where do I who do I need to become in order to, you know, go, you know, be a millionaire or do you know, have a poor what, like, who do I need that has never worked for me.

00:13:49:21 - 00:14:09:12
Spencer Jones
Right? I used to have a and I have like a goal, a vision of like, oh this is where I like to be, but still have to be flexible and adjust, knowing that the way you think you might have that plan like this is I think I'm in there. Great. Start going down those steps, but might have to do a little detour and get over this way and and you'll get there.

00:14:09:12 - 00:14:30:00
Spencer Jones
Or maybe it'll change, but you you can only connect the dots forward so much you have to looking back, you know, it's always 2020, but the managing the dots and take those lessons to help you accelerate the growth forward. And I'm yeah, I'm a person who struggles with that. I was just thinking of a post I'll probably make on on social media right after this.

00:14:30:02 - 00:14:40:18
Spencer Jones
I always try running before I can walk, right? I get a clear right walk a little bit. I'm like, I'm off, let's go. And then life has to check me, like, hop out and Spencer again like that. So.

00:14:40:18 - 00:15:15:16
Suzanne Taylor-King
Yeah. Excuse me, excuse me. Suzanne, like you need some other things first before you do that. Like it's. Yeah. When you have that high performing energy. Right. And you know what you're capable of. It's like you try to rush that, skip steps, whatever to, you know, get to that, whatever that place is. Right? Right. And it's so fascinating to be put in check so many times.

00:15:15:18 - 00:15:35:08
Spencer Jones
It sucks that we just be honest. It sucks being all the time like that. But yeah, I learn and I'm getting better at understanding why it happens. But getting it still sucks. But, But I still keep trying to learn and grow and how to expedite that process as quickly as I can. But some of it is just it is what it is.

00:15:35:08 - 00:15:40:16
Spencer Jones
It's part of this journey and growth process. And yeah, that's okay. That's a beautiful thing.

00:15:40:18 - 00:16:04:04
Suzanne Taylor-King
Yeah. Truly. I, I want to know a little bit about before this journey for you, what did you set your sights on being or becoming when you grew up, and what did that career start like for you before entrepreneurship?

00:16:04:06 - 00:16:30:00
Spencer Jones
Good question. different than I was some, some kids, I would say. So I didn't have like, dreams of being a firefighter or doctor or anything like that. for me, it's I, I'm not sure. I mean, I'm sure I had stuff as, as a kid here or there, but nothing really stuck with me too much until till I turned 11.

00:16:30:02 - 00:16:48:23
Spencer Jones
and the reason why is because I was, we had a, like, one of the two TVs in the house. I was watching one of them, of all things, of a concert, going on. An orchestra, playing there was an oboe solo, and I'm like, that's so amazing. I love that instrument. Speed of. I'd love to learn how to play right.

00:16:49:01 - 00:17:10:11
Spencer Jones
So then, I was homeschooled. And so we went to the public school, and I was able to try and band that next year. and then started with clarinet. Learn how to play. Oh my gosh, this is amazing. And then really fell in love with music the year after I started piano, lessons and kept doing that and realized I'm having fun being creative at the piano, right?

00:17:10:11 - 00:17:35:13
Spencer Jones
Writing my own stuff. And so somewhere in high school, middle school, high school, I decided, you know, I love the music for movies and stuff like that. I'd love to write my movie scores. Right, right. The music behind the movies. And so that was my vision as I went into college and started that way. I met my wife after my second year, and then so I was already an entrepreneur.

00:17:35:13 - 00:17:40:20
Spencer Jones
Let me preface this to a degree I already my mom was an entrepreneur at different points. A couple.

00:17:40:21 - 00:17:42:04
Suzanne Taylor-King
You had.

00:17:42:06 - 00:18:07:18
Spencer Jones
Right? So I saw to a degree and I grew up like we we grew up in the country. We we sold raspberries and different produce. I remember planting pumpkins and selling them myself. I had a lawn mowing and snow shoveling business as a kid, you know, like, just little things. I started up, and then in college, I also had, two piano studios that I ran one at one town, when I was at college there.

00:18:07:18 - 00:18:34:23
Spencer Jones
Then when I moved, I moved my piano studio to the to New town. Right. So I was already an entrepreneur to a degree. Wow. But, but thinking, okay, whatever it is, just side gigs, give money. I had other jobs too. I worked at a restaurant and all that. And so when I met my wife and we started to get serious and decided to get married, I was told by my by my father in law, well, if you're going to marry my daughter, you need health insurance, right?

00:18:35:01 - 00:18:59:21
Spencer Jones
not just do. Yeah. Be an entrepreneur with, whatever. And. Right. I get where he's coming from. I respect that perspective of it. I completely agree with that perspective. in my opinion now. But at that time, as an 18 year old kid, I'm like, well, okay, so what does I like? Okay. Yeah. so I want to marry your daughter.

00:18:59:21 - 00:19:19:12
Spencer Jones
So I, decided to go into music education. That was the whole reason I switched from music composition in college to music ad, and because I figured, well, I could still teach, and and chase my passions of of writing music. So I and and thank goodness I fell in love with teaching, I loved it, love being in front of the classroom.

00:19:19:13 - 00:19:45:09
Spencer Jones
Ended up loving middle school and high school, especially high school. I worked with kids for nine years, but after 3 or 4 years, probably four years of teaching out, I went. You know, I like this. This is fun, but this isn't. There's something missing. I'm not sure what this. And then so I got into network marketing and started doing some other side hustle side gigs and building up, other businesses along the side of teaching.

00:19:45:12 - 00:20:10:12
Spencer Jones
Right. Because it just wasn't scratch that itch and changed teaching jobs, thinking maybe that was part of it. that wasn't it. Another teacher was still like, how kid is this? Isn't it? This isn't the long term thing. I don't know what it is. Yeah, and in any case, it slowly, slowly developed into, oh, me doing that work marketing which led me into personal development, which then I realized, oh my gosh, yeah, I'm optimistic, but I could be intentional about having a good day, right?

00:20:10:12 - 00:20:31:23
Spencer Jones
I don't have to just wake up on the good side of bad or be in a bad mood because someone cut me off. Now, I could be intentional about this and how, oh my gosh, you're creating new neural pathways and reinforcing them. How does that work? How can you do this faster? And, went to that research and really fell in love with how to have a positive, abundant mindset, biologically, like how can we do that?

00:20:32:01 - 00:20:52:22
Spencer Jones
What are the tools and strategies? And doing it for myself, then helping other people, coaching and then building this business up so that we do all the stuff that we do. But, to the point where that I got all right and we tired from teaching, we're good. Let's do this full time. and my wife was a teacher, so we had health insurance through her for a couple of years till she retired from teaching.

00:20:53:00 - 00:20:55:11
Spencer Jones
just, last school year. School year and a half.

00:20:55:11 - 00:20:56:11
Suzanne Taylor-King

00:20:56:13 - 00:21:17:05
Spencer Jones
Yeah. So it's, it's been an exciting journey to do that, but, there was no necessarily dream of me being an entrepreneur as a kid. There was no dream of, I mean, entrepreneur, I guess, and being music composition, and I still still play piano. I still love composing music. but, it's much more entrepreneur with, with helping people step into their light and shine.

00:21:17:05 - 00:21:25:07
Spencer Jones
Like, let's help you chase your passions and be at your best. So you know when someone tells you you need this. Yeah. Do I do it? Does that really.

00:21:25:07 - 00:21:33:07
Suzanne Taylor-King
Align? I don't know, yeah, yeah. Well, I what I love so much is I see how it's all connected now.

00:21:33:09 - 00:21:35:19
Spencer Jones
Right now, at the moment. But now we do.

00:21:36:00 - 00:22:21:12
Suzanne Taylor-King
Know like when you were teaching and feeling, you know, not fulfilled and not sure. And wow like now it makes so much sense because in a way you are a teacher. You are, you know, inspiring a room full of people, the rooms just a little bit bigger. And so cool to see that. And I remember when somebody connected that dot for me, and it felt like relief almost because the dot between, you know, the 20 year career in dentistry and what I do now, wow, that was a hard connection.

00:22:21:12 - 00:22:32:19
Suzanne Taylor-King
I just I couldn't see it. But then as soon as that connection was made for me, so much of the past made sense.

00:22:32:21 - 00:22:54:14
Spencer Jones
Yeah. Well, it's it's interesting the little things you learn on this journey and then when you relate, it's looking back once, once I learned more about vibrations and energy work, I go, oh my God, that's that. Now this person that I thought was like, I loved him, but he was seemed crazy at the time. Oh my gosh, this makes perfect sense.

00:22:54:14 - 00:23:14:16
Spencer Jones
That's why you were there. My life. Because you helped shaped me and music at that time. Yeah, but now that applies to everything on this person and this person. Oh my gosh, there's all these little nudges from the universe that I never realized until I look back and, thinking of teaching and going into this or dentistry into to all the work you're doing.

00:23:14:18 - 00:23:32:13
Spencer Jones
How much of are stuff from the past and our prior experiences prime us to what we do today? Like when I transitioned and retired from teaching, I told people, I'm not done teaching, I'm just changing. I'm not teaching in a classroom. I'm teaching from a stage that's owning only difference. Right. And so and I still get energized by it.

00:23:32:13 - 00:23:50:13
Spencer Jones
Like I love teaching. We had a master class last night that my wife, Katie and I held, and that was amazing. We had so much fun doing it. And that energizes me. our workshops that we do, it energizes me because I'm teaching. And the cool part is we learn how to teach. Like, we went to school for teaching.

00:23:50:13 - 00:24:09:08
Spencer Jones
We had she had 12 years in the classroom, had nine years. So we had to combine over 20 years in the classroom. We know how people learn. We know the different learning styles and how to do that. So now we take that and implement it into we do so people could catch on faster and we can give them those strategies because we were all kids ones.

00:24:09:08 - 00:24:22:15
Spencer Jones
We all still learn and adults learn a little differently than kids, but we know how to do that, and we use our experience to help reinforce, and do what we do now better than what we could have before.

00:24:22:17 - 00:24:46:18
Suzanne Taylor-King
I love that, immediately I thought of I wonder what my success rate was as a dental hygienist. Getting people to floss every day. Like, did I have a 98% success rate convincing people to floss every day, or educating them on why they should want to do it every day? And I think about that now, like looking at the entrepreneurs that I work with.

00:24:46:20 - 00:25:30:19
Suzanne Taylor-King
Nine times out of ten, it's not tactics. It's not, oh, do this, this, in this. It's how are you showing up for your business? I taught a class last night to on Ideal Client Attraction, and I didn't realize how much I knew until I started bullet pointing out the things that I wanted to cover. And then you get in the moment of it and there's more, you know, because you're in the middle of it and trusting the universal intelligence to show up and your wisdom to show up and all that, that I didn't know how to do 20 years ago.

00:25:30:21 - 00:25:53:09
Suzanne Taylor-King
It's me now. I watch you do it only once, watched you do it, and there's a trust almost that comes over you all. I don't know where that comes from for me. Where do you think it comes from? For you?

00:25:53:10 - 00:26:14:12
Spencer Jones
for me, the the trust comes from. I mean, call God the universe, whatever. Whatever you choose to call it. Earth, wind, fire, I don't care. but that there's this source energy. It's just like, no, it's real. Will guide you to say and say and do the right things. If you're open to. And you and you listen.

00:26:14:13 - 00:26:48:09
Spencer Jones
And, I wasn't always open to hearing it. I was bullheaded, for many, many years. But I've gotten more and more attuned with it, to the point where I, I feel those nudges at a lot of times still, it's just like, yeah, I'll say this and just go along this way, the ideas will pop in your brain and, and, you know, you can go along the pathway or the star will come in, but sometimes and it's been happening more and more, which is cool, is that I feel, like this hard push to be like you should really say this, like, this is really like, let's.

00:26:48:11 - 00:27:15:10
Spencer Jones
And at one time in particular, it was like weighing so heavily on me, like, say it, you need to say this. And I'm like, I've never felt this before. And this is and here's to this weight and degree idea that popped in and, that's been happening slowly but surely, more and more and more, which is exciting. And that to me is I'm just I'm open up to hearing what God, Earth, wind, fire, universe, whatever source has said to me to to share.

00:27:15:12 - 00:27:28:11
Spencer Jones
And you know, I check it, make sure it's like, okay, this kind of makes sense. to some degree, it's not totally out of left field. that that has never steered me wrong when I've just been open to it. I love that question in the least.

00:27:28:11 - 00:27:55:05
Suzanne Taylor-King
But yeah. Beautiful. I think that's a perfect answer to the question, because that's that's what it is for you. and of course, my friend James is here saying he's excited to see both of us having that conversation and love having you. we met for coffee last week. because he lives near me that we we found out, and we meet for coffee, and my Starbucks is closed.

00:27:55:07 - 00:28:11:00
Suzanne Taylor-King
So coffee turned into my favorite little breakfast spot around the corner with breakfast and French press coffee, which was just incredible. So James, caffeinated is a whole experience. So, James.

00:28:11:00 - 00:28:15:12
Spencer Jones
Is an experience, a beautiful experience. Caffeinated. So taking it to a whole new level.

00:28:15:12 - 00:28:51:08
Suzanne Taylor-King
Yeah, a whole new level. And, Yeah. So just thankful. Thanks, James, for tuning in and watching us. last question for you, navigating a business is hard enough. Navigating a business and doing it with your spouse. Talk a little bit about that energy. So, Sheila, I haven't met her. She's fabulous, like I'm sure, but what is that energy like to do a business together?

00:28:51:09 - 00:29:14:05
Spencer Jones
I've. I appreciate you asking you and I know, some people struggle with that, right? Depending on their spouse. And I get it right. Everybody's energy and, and styles are different. That that's one thing. One thing that I'm really thankful for is, well, let me back up in previous businesses or styles and versions of businesses I've had in the past, she was not in as much of it, as she is now.

00:29:14:05 - 00:29:37:11
Spencer Jones
Right. So I ran different things on my own, and she was more behind the scenes or not involved much. And all the way to the Johnson four in particular, and especially the work. And since I retired and went full time, she's been much more involved with it, helping visions, choices and and you know what we should do, what we shouldn't do and all that.

00:29:37:14 - 00:29:57:22
Spencer Jones
So even when she was teaching now, she was more of a background role that she was teaching because obviously she was, it's all her career and, and doing that. but her and I, we're I'm an extrovert. She's an introvert. Right. So she, she loves doing the behind the scenes stuff. She'll run the our events from behind the scenes, when we host them here.

00:29:58:03 - 00:30:19:09
Spencer Jones
And I'll be the person in front doing it. So we work really, really well together that we're both out fighting for that same positions I like, oh, this is my role. This is your role. And we can help support each other. And it's we complement one another really well with how we do that, how we even speak out at events and, and work together.

00:30:19:09 - 00:30:42:03
Spencer Jones
We're usually on the same page about most things, personal and business about. Oh, yeah. What do you think about this idea? Let's makes sense. I, I was thinking the same thing and we can go that way. So I'm really lucky. Blessed. Whatever you want to call it to, to have her on my side and her by my side, and that we do this together and that we're very well aligned with it.

00:30:42:05 - 00:31:07:12
Spencer Jones
are there challenges? Yeah. But I honestly, it's been such a blessing to have her here join us and join me full time with it, and take things off my plate, because at that point, our business is growing. We already have, a team member who has taken up a bunch of other things off my plate. we've had her for two years as part of the team, and then I'm tired.

00:31:07:14 - 00:31:22:11
Spencer Jones
Or like, I was like, okay, enjoy your summer. Right? You want to enjoy your summer? Like your last teaching summer, and then, and then when the school year started back up, I'm like, cool. You let me know what you want to take out. I have a list of things that I think you'd be great at that I'd love to have you take on.

00:31:22:13 - 00:31:39:15
Spencer Jones
I will just slowly layer it out of it. Fits great. If it doesn't fit great, I'll take it back. But let's just see what you want and what you want to do, right? Here are my thoughts. But what do you want to do in the business? And so, that's been really cool to see her step into her light of doing this.

00:31:39:20 - 00:32:02:05
Spencer Jones
She was never an entrepreneur, mindset or style, and she never did it. That's up before. So this is newer to her, but she's realizing is so much of it relates to teaching that she's just using the same tools in a slightly different way. or sometimes the exact same way for the business. Like she we have an online personal growth academy, that we run.

00:32:02:05 - 00:32:19:07
Spencer Jones
And so she that's her baby now, like, we started getting kicked off the ground when she was teaching, and now she takes care of that. And, and we add new courses and trainings and all that. So that's, that's her thing. She also does the more of the nitty gritty, you know, the accounting work and the other stuff like so cool.

00:32:19:07 - 00:32:25:07
Spencer Jones
I don't have to worry about that here you go. And so she, she runs. It's been really cool.

00:32:25:09 - 00:32:27:17
Suzanne Taylor-King
How do I get it? Katie.

00:32:27:19 - 00:32:48:02
Spencer Jones
Right. Got it I don't know, I, I lucked out finding her and marrying her. I thought, but I know it's a hard thing for me to answer because, I, I feel like I, we're different than many because I know a lot of couples can struggle working together. They don't have the support of their significant other. but I've been lucky and blessed enough that Katie has always supported me.

00:32:48:02 - 00:33:12:03
Spencer Jones
Seeing that in me, the when I didn't or, you know, myself and then. No to be side by side, helping us make it bigger and grow and impact our lives, it's just really been a blessing. It's it's worked out really, really, really well because we both reach different, different demographics, and different psychographics, like, obviously I'm a very high energy person and let's go.

00:33:12:03 - 00:33:13:12
Spencer Jones
And I resonate really well with.

00:33:13:12 - 00:33:13:22
Suzanne Taylor-King
some people.

00:33:13:22 - 00:33:19:02
Suzanne Taylor-King
Right. We talk about vibration. Some people align with me. Some people who align with Katie

00:33:19:03 - 00:33:31:17
Spencer Jones
Don't align with me as much as they do her. Right. So now, helping serve even more people, and to step into her light and do. It's just been amazing. So that's not just the card.

00:33:31:19 - 00:33:35:07
Suzanne Taylor-King
I'm. I'm writing that down today is get a Katie.

00:33:35:09 - 00:33:39:21
Spencer Jones
Yes. Get a Katie. That's all I ever get a Katie. Oh, no. It's taken. But get it.

00:33:39:21 - 00:33:57:01
Suzanne Taylor-King
Katie. Yeah, I love it. All right, so let's dive into what your company offers right now, how you're currently helping people and, where you want people to reach out to you.

00:33:57:03 - 00:34:14:23
Spencer Jones
Oh, thank you then. Thank you for asking. So, so basically, what we do, if you put it in a nutshell, is we give people that breath of fresh air, with all that stress and feeling unworthy. Not enough. We give people that breath of fresh air so they could step into their light and shine bright. We show people and help them do that.

00:34:14:23 - 00:34:37:19
Spencer Jones
So there's four, basically four steps that we help people with. We help people identify and vanquish energy vampires, help them build a positive, abundant mindset, find that inner peace, that calm within, and then keep this going right, managing that energy so we help you see it and then manage it. and that's generally what we do now. All of that's what our side of Jones and Four.

00:34:37:19 - 00:34:56:13
Spencer Jones
But Jones and four is actually a bigger ecosystem where we have our community, and then we have our communities filled with amazing energizers who are learning and growing. and then we have our online personal growth academy while our academy has trainings courses. Yes. From Katie and I. But we have a whole team of experts, right. So we talk about energy.

00:34:56:15 - 00:35:11:21
Spencer Jones
Great. We can help you build a positive, abundant mindset and vanquish the energy vampires find an inner peace. But let's say, oh man, I really want to learn more about Reiki here. I want to do self-healing or I want to start journaling rotating. Great. I know some of those things, but I don't know all of them. I'm not an expert in that.

00:35:11:23 - 00:35:32:21
Spencer Jones
So in my journey, I've discovered and found some amazing experts who have become friends that now we invite to be experts in our community. Right? So we have whole academy of experts that helps teach self-healing or crystals or meditation or whatever that now you can come like, hey, I really want to do this. I'm like, oh, cool, talk to Allegro.

00:35:32:21 - 00:35:52:03
Spencer Jones
Oh, cool. Talk to Steve. I'll go talk to Michael or whoever it is that now we have a community who could support you on your journey. You don't have to use them, but we vetted them. We know they're experts. They've been through the fire, and they're helping other people. They're relatable. and for me, I struggle relating to a person who, you know, takes six figures just to work.

00:35:52:03 - 00:36:09:12
Spencer Jones
Maybe work with, you know, millions and millions, millions of dollars a year. I'm like, I struggle relating to that. so if there's someone more like me, I'll, like, relate to you. And they're accessible, right? I don't have to work for someone's assistant. I could send them a, DM or, an email, and they'll get back to me.

00:36:09:12 - 00:36:30:13
Spencer Jones
We can hop on a zoom and chat. Like, how cool is that? Some, vetted, relatable, and accessible experts. So we have that part of our. And they're all in our communities. We have community academy, and then we host events all around the world. And those events are all part of those four layers, right? Discover energy vampires to finding inner peace positive mindset.

00:36:30:13 - 00:36:50:09
Spencer Jones
Continue it going. So everything from we're going to Philippines in January. We have our big summit in Chicago in September. and then we do one day events and different things. like we're going to London in two weeks for a one day event. we also from Wisconsin. So I'll, I'll it's, you know, it depends what you're looking for, where you are in your journey, really.

00:36:50:11 - 00:36:56:15
Spencer Jones
But you can learn more about that and all the stuff we do on our website, which is we are jonesing for.com.

00:36:56:17 - 00:36:58:01
Suzanne Taylor-King
We love it.

00:36:58:03 - 00:36:58:14
Spencer Jones

00:36:58:14 - 00:37:22:20
Suzanne Taylor-King
And I love it. I love, well, I love community, I love the fact that it's intentional community with learning and it's a collaboration like it's a co-created, members of your community are creating that community. And that's good. It's good stuff.

00:37:22:22 - 00:37:40:02
Spencer Jones
It's amazing when you have people who know, like, and trust you and nudge you, right? No matter where you are in your journey, they're not going to judge. They're just going to share love. And that's that's what we've built up. And now it's it's running on its own, which is amazing. And I'm just a part of it. They're they're the community that make amazing beautiful.

00:37:40:05 - 00:38:03:23
Suzanne Taylor-King
Well, that's a sign of a true entrepreneur, thinking right there. So thank you so much for this conversation today. I appreciate you. I look forward to, more together. in community, bringing you to my people is an absolute pleasure. So thank you, Spencer, so much for being here today.

00:38:04:01 - 00:38:10:01
Spencer Jones
Thank you for being you and sharing your love and light with the world and with me and having me on. I truly, truly appreciate it. Thank you.

00:38:10:01 - 00:38:11:19
Suzanne Taylor-King
Suzanne. You're so welcome.

00:38:11:19 - 00:38:39:13
Suzanne Taylor-King
Thank you for tuning in to another empowering episode of Unlock Your Way. I hope you found today's discussion inspiring, and you're ready to take your business and personal growth to that next level. If you're feeling is fired up as I am and eager to unlock that full potential, I'm here to help you on your journey and provide that personalized guidance tailored to your unique goals and challenges.

00:38:39:15 - 00:39:06:08
Suzanne Taylor-King
Simply book a one on one coaching call with me, and we'll dive deep into your business aspirations and see how we could co-create a roadmap for your success. And whether you're striving to scale an enterprise size or just getting started. I'm here to support you every step of the way. To schedule your coaching call, simply visit the website and unlock your way with SI.com.

00:39:06:10 - 00:39:45:08
Suzanne Taylor-King
Click on the Book a Call button and we'll turn your dreams into that reality. Subscribe and review on your favorite podcast platform and on YouTube. Plus, you can join over 800 entrepreneurs in the Idea Lab, Facebook group. Let's make success as an entrepreneur happen together. Until next time, I'm AK. Keep dreaming big. Stay focused. And most of all, have fun while you're doing it.


Spencer Jones Profile Photo

Spencer Jones

Prince of Positivity / CEO / Author

Spencer is known as the Prince of Positivity! He shares his positive energy and spreads joy around the world.

His mission is to ignite people’s lights so they can chase their passions, help others, and "Live Their Life to the MAX”.  

Spencer is the CEO of Jonesin' for and has two podcasts called "Daily Energize" and the “Jonesin’ for Show”, and holds events all over the world!

His message is simple and powerful which is to take control of your Energy Sovereignty and through his events, programs and community of "Energizers" he shows and models how you can master it!

Spencer is also a classically trained pianist and choir director. He has published three books and has been published in multiple magazines and websites.