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Ep37 Nicky Cuesta - Skyrocket Your Growth By Giving Yourself Permission

Ep37 Nicky Cuesta - Skyrocket Your Growth By Giving Yourself Permission

In this episode of Unlock Your Way with STK, host Suzanne Taylor-King sits down with Nicky Cuesta, founder of BALM Global and author of "Building a Leadership Mindset."


Nicky shares her journey from a frustrated corporate employee to a thriving entrepreneur and leadership coach. She reveals how a single YouTube video planted the seed for her future success and why perfectionism nearly derailed her dreams.


Suzanne and Nicky dive deep into the importance of sharing our stories as women. They discuss how vulnerability and openness can create powerful connections and foster growth in unexpected ways.


Key takeaways from this episode:

1. The power of "doing it anyway" - even when you don't feel ready

2. How to give yourself permission to succeed

3. The impact of bringing your authentic self to your work

4. Why involving younger generations in women's empowerment is crucial

5. The importance of building a supportive tribe


Nicky also shares insights from her book, including the 13 mindsets that spell out "CREATE SUCCESS." She emphasizes the need for women to step into their power and live their purpose intentionally.


Suzanne adds her own experiences to the mix, discussing the value of systems and processes for entrepreneurs and the transformative power of receiving "permission" to be your true self.


Whether you're an aspiring entrepreneur, a seasoned professional, or someone looking to make a change in your life, this conversation between Suzanne and Nicky will inspire you to take action and build your own leadership mindset.


Tune in now and get ready to unlock your way to success!


Find all the show notes and links here: https://www.unlockyourwaywithstk.com/37


00:00:00:00 - 00:00:03:08
Nicky Cuesta
truly believe investing in yourself, investing in your growth

00:00:03:08 - 00:00:14:14
Nicky Cuesta
new perspectives, so that you can create your story and feel comfortable in a safe space to do it where there's no judgment, there's no competition, there is just that love, compassion.

00:00:14:14 - 00:00:40:20
Suzanne Taylor-King
Hey, hey. Welcome to a podcast where dreams meet. Determination and success is just around the corner. I'm your host, Suzanne Taylor King. And I'm here to help you unlock the full potential of your business and your life. Welcome to Unlock Your Way with SDK. Let's unlock your path to success together.

00:00:40:20 - 00:01:16:11
Suzanne Taylor-King
Good morning. Good morning everyone and happy Friday. Hey it's Suzanne Taylor King here again for another edition of Unlock Your Way with STK. And I'm super excited for today's heady conversation with Nikki Casta. From blam! Global. BALM. BALM Global. All right, I'll get this right. And ladies of leadership, her last book, Building a Leadership Mindset, really took off for you.

00:01:16:11 - 00:01:29:01
Suzanne Taylor-King
I'm so excited to have this conversation today. We met in networking group and quickly realized that our brains were in alignment for this conversation. Welcome.

00:01:29:03 - 00:01:38:22
Nicky Cuesta
Absolutely. Thank you so much, Suzanne, for having me. Super excited to be here this morning and share what is.

00:01:39:00 - 00:01:47:12
Suzanne Taylor-King
How in the world did you come up with this concept for your business?

00:01:47:14 - 00:02:11:06
Nicky Cuesta
Well, at first it wasn't a business concept, it was just a YouTube channel that I created. May. I'm sorry, February of 2020, right before Covid hit. I've been in the company for over 14 years and really still not having my voice. And I know I always wanted to do more, to be more, absolutely be my own boss.

00:02:11:06 - 00:02:36:08
Nicky Cuesta
So I didn't have to check in with anyone when I wanted to take a day off or go on vacation. So I built a YouTube channel. I only had one video, on growth mindset and mindset. And yeah, that that's kind of where it started. And it just sat there for two years, due to perfectionism and just life, goes on.

00:02:36:08 - 00:02:54:09
Nicky Cuesta
And there's other things that kind of distract you. But, after meeting my publisher, who asked me what my story was, I actually realized that that was the seed that was planted and brought it to life May of 2022 and started writing this book.

00:02:54:11 - 00:03:23:16
Suzanne Taylor-King
It's so, so incredible. I remember my first YouTube video. I think I've deleted it now because I was shocked and appalled by, my lack of being able to do the video in the first place. And the lighting was bad, the connection was bad, the scripting was bad. I think I was reading from something I wrote and now I, I don't do that at all.

00:03:23:18 - 00:03:43:06
Suzanne Taylor-King
And so it's it's always interesting to look back at the beginning of our journey. And I think it's, it's great to do that and realize how much you've learned and how much you've improved. What would you say your biggest learning was in that time for yourself?

00:03:43:08 - 00:04:03:00
Nicky Cuesta
Wow. In that time it was, the biggest learning is that you just had to do it anyway. Do it. Prepare to do it with not all the good gadgets and, lighting and things like that. Yeah. I to also script scripted. I had a whole PowerPoint as I was speaking, so I wasn't even speaking.

00:04:03:00 - 00:04:25:10
Nicky Cuesta
And so the camera, I was kind of, like in a diagonal form. But, you know, we had great video. I actually just shared it with my community. After wow, it's been up for about four years. I have not deleted it. And it definitely shows the growth. And that's what I am always preaching. Right? When you're, get moving.

00:04:25:12 - 00:04:31:23
Nicky Cuesta
Yes. In the process. And then see the the journey. Right. Because that's, that's really what it's about.

00:04:32:01 - 00:04:55:20
Suzanne Taylor-King
Yeah. I, I think so too. I think the only reason I, I would have left my imperfections there, except I had a totally different business, you know, 15 years ago. So I said my YouTube channel is going to be more focused on my podcast and my current business. So I just made it more in alignment with who I am now.

00:04:55:20 - 00:05:27:16
Suzanne Taylor-King
But I love imperfections, I love being real, and I've recorded many videos out for a walk in the morning. No makeup, hair not done, no lighting. And I think that's really important for people to get to know you and me. And the work we do is so intimate with people. And, you know, because we're in their heads, we're in their mindset and let's go there.

00:05:27:21 - 00:05:36:03
Suzanne Taylor-King
How did you start really believing that this was the work you were meant to do with people?

00:05:36:05 - 00:05:57:11
Nicky Cuesta
Wow. It's still goes back to again, being in that corporate space and being a corporate trainer to new hires that were coming into the company and just being there, their role model. Right. Just being that person that's just poured life into them. When you have people come in and really complain about their day, about that, they can't do it.

00:05:57:11 - 00:06:25:19
Nicky Cuesta
They don't understand it and really finding solutions. And once you have the tools, shifting that mindset to embrace it, especially people just, are so afraid of technology, which was, you know, my background with business technology and information technology in the healthcare space, that it came easy, it came natural, and it came even more the two to share that mindset that I had about my day to day.

00:06:25:21 - 00:06:46:20
Nicky Cuesta
So it's it's take some time to really first identify what your core values are, to even decipher what type of mindset for any journey that you're going to go on. Because you have to be true to yourself, right? You have to make sure that you know who you are, what you want to represent, what you want to showcase, and how do you want to deliver that?

00:06:46:20 - 00:07:12:20
Nicky Cuesta
And who do you want to impact, with that? And you're not right in your minds that it's going to be a little difficult and you're going to hit some walls. And that's why I just poured into myself my personal development and really finding strategies and ways that will just make my life easier, just in the day to day, to continue the smile that I have for human values, even through the lens.

00:07:12:22 - 00:07:42:16
Suzanne Taylor-King
Yeah, I think well, that's when I think the resilience and, and the grit actually get developed when you're in those valleys. At least that's been true for me. Every entrepreneurial journey I've ever had, the lessons came in when things were going well, or when there was money issues or when there was, you know, people issues. That's when the lessons really, that's when the improvement came.

00:07:42:16 - 00:08:13:20
Suzanne Taylor-King
That's when the growth happened, because you kind of realize you have to do things better. You have to do things different because you don't want that result anymore. And that's really the definition of what you're talking about, having a growth mindset and looking at it from that perspective and, I think it's hard for people to really look at themselves, and really say, oh, I'm the problem.

00:08:13:22 - 00:08:46:20
Suzanne Taylor-King
I, I can't fix other people. All I can fix is me. And it's really beautiful. The way you explain. I know when we first met learning about your health care background, that's where I came from, too. Do you think that has molded you the fact that you came from that health care background, even though, maybe you weren't in it for a long time.

00:08:46:22 - 00:08:51:00
Suzanne Taylor-King
Do you think that molded how you care about people? No.

00:08:51:02 - 00:09:17:03
Nicky Cuesta
Oh, absolutely. First of all, even getting into to that, corporate space, I didn't have the experience. I was at 24, business education, nothing that had to do with health care and then bilingual at that, speaking Spanish, trying to, you know, say all these medical terminologies. And really, I started in the member base first. So I was a call center representative.

00:09:17:03 - 00:09:43:04
Nicky Cuesta
So just educating them on their benefits and things like that and then creating systems for myself because we had internal audit. So, you know, the whole goal was to make sure that my yearly evaluations were exception, all they were up to par, but also exceeding because they took a chance on me when no care. I took that to heart and I ran with it.

00:09:43:04 - 00:10:10:20
Nicky Cuesta
So I soaked up everything that I can, learning other people's positions. You know, why is it done this way? How can we do it better? And forming my own processes and my managed theme really? Took that to heart and said, hey, can you hot can you train new hires, have them sit by you, kind of share your, your tips because you're doing amazing.

00:10:10:20 - 00:10:35:07
Nicky Cuesta
But then it never came with a title and it never came with a pay raise. But again, I knew that something was going to happen just with the journey that I was on. So I had to build those mindsets. That's amazing that finally give myself permission to succeed when I decided to exit out. So absolutely, I totally give them.

00:10:35:09 - 00:10:44:06
Nicky Cuesta
Much credit for molding my mindset and what I wanted to see in an organization across the board. So yeah.

00:10:44:08 - 00:11:11:23
Suzanne Taylor-King
But that that attitude about wanting to do a good job, wanting to learn other people's position, that curiosity of how I can do better, how I can grow within this position. Maybe you weren't mature enough to say, oh, you want me to do extra work? It's going to come with a pay raise. Okay. But somehow within you was already the I'm going to take this seriously.

00:11:11:23 - 00:11:41:04
Suzanne Taylor-King
I'm going to do the best I can and I forget who said this, but, like, if you're going to be a janitor, be the best janitor there ever was, right? And that will open up opportunities for you. And that's that's exac what you're describing. You didn't you didn't have somebody training you. And now to train other people on how to have that mindset, how rewarding is that for you?

00:11:41:06 - 00:12:07:04
Nicky Cuesta
Oh my God, it's leaps and bounds. I truly feel I've been blessed with, the patience gift, to be able to do this. Just seeing women, especially when, and really tap into their passions and their gifts, to make an impact. It's it's always rewarding, right? When you get to wake up to ten, 12 messages from your community.

00:12:07:04 - 00:12:26:03
Nicky Cuesta
Just saying how the the meeting the night before had impacted them and now they're taking action. It's a joy. It's a joy to see what we have been able to witness in the short time. It's been two and a half years. Well, almost two years for ladies, a leadership of my journey. It's been about two and a half years.

00:12:26:03 - 00:12:40:11
Nicky Cuesta
And to be able to to know that all of that, mindset and gift that I was given, that I'm able to showcase it in the way, able to and really build those authentic relationships that's going to go on for a lifetime.

00:12:40:13 - 00:13:06:02
Suzanne Taylor-King
Yeah. I mean, we we actually don't live that far from each other. And your last conference, I was on vacation. Or I would have been there. It was really, really cool to see the pictures of it and the joy on your face and the attendees and, just the smiles in the room and the growth that I'm sure happened in that room.

00:13:06:02 - 00:13:18:11
Suzanne Taylor-King
There's something magical about being in person with people. So I love that you're doing that. What's the vision for the future of those conferences?

00:13:18:13 - 00:14:00:01
Nicky Cuesta
Well, it's like I still say the heart center leadership. It's all about building. It's all about tapping into those leadership, skills that we have and really building that mindset so that we can create the opportunities that have been here for us for such a long time. But we don't even know that they exist. So the next one is our two year anniversary, where we will celebrate not just the women and ladies of leadership and their growth and what they have done in the past two years, but also women, our sister communities, women entrepreneurs, those that are going to be in the room and we would love to have that's happening November 16th.

00:14:00:03 - 00:14:05:12
Nicky Cuesta
And I'm super excited. We're going to do it at the Mummers Museum in Philadelphia.

00:14:06:08 - 00:14:08:17
Nicky Cuesta
That's actually where I got married.

00:14:08:19 - 00:14:10:10
Suzanne Taylor-King
And really.

00:14:10:12 - 00:14:11:15
Nicky Cuesta
Yes, yes.

00:14:11:17 - 00:14:13:05
Suzanne Taylor-King
It's so cool.

00:14:13:07 - 00:14:36:18
Nicky Cuesta
Great theme. So it was good to kind of see it all renewed. And I just knew once I stepped into the space, to lock it down, that magic was going to happen here, that collaborations were going to happen, that a celebration of just women across the world, that we can do it together. Yeah, together we can share.

00:14:36:23 - 00:15:01:07
Nicky Cuesta
We can share this space. Speaking of events, creating a podcasting, because we just all have stories. That's how we haven't told all our stories. And I know that each story that we have, each struggle, each battle that we have been through, is going to be the platform that we want to create for a lifetime.

00:15:01:07 - 00:15:04:16
Nicky Cuesta
And we're going to go on tour with it. Why not? Right. And I.

00:15:04:18 - 00:15:53:07
Suzanne Taylor-King
I love it, I love it. Well, make sure you get me the details for your Philly event. I, I will share with my tribe and share with my peeps and, make sure I'm in attendance because, well, maybe we could use a live podcast episodes from the event. That would be fun. You know, and I, I think that message that you shared that, you know, we don't get anywhere as women unless we share our stories and share, and I, I remember finding out some things about having children, my sons adopted, so I didn't have to go through the the childbirth process.

00:15:53:09 - 00:16:22:14
Suzanne Taylor-King
But I remember finding some things out. I was well into my 40s, and I heard somebody talking about having kids, and I was like, who? Glad I missed out on that. But there's so many things. I mean, from childbirth to menopause to relationships to marriage to being an entrepreneur that so many women don't feel comfortable sharing and talking about.

00:16:22:16 - 00:16:59:20
Suzanne Taylor-King
And I remember being in a room giving a talk to, a group of women, and I asked how many had been the victims of assault, like, raise your hand if you're comfortable raising your hand. How many have been divorced? How many have been bankrupt, you know, and the hands go up and look around the room and see how many other women have been through exactly what you've been through, but you're not willing to talk about it with each other.

00:16:59:22 - 00:17:04:20
Suzanne Taylor-King
And I think that's really a beautiful piece of what you're creating.

00:17:04:22 - 00:17:31:13
Nicky Cuesta
Absolutely. It's important for us to not being shameful of our past, find who we are today and every day. I think it was the opportunity to to move away from that ability to think, you know, for or to even use those lessons, and, and turn it into your message and impact others as, again, you know, just with the visualization, I've seen the women raise their hand.

00:17:31:15 - 00:18:02:08
Nicky Cuesta
It just shows you you are not alone in this, and none of us are. And it's been beautiful to watch the the events that I have been able to not only put on but attend and always packed it, even if it's from one speaker or all speakers. I'm always gaining new connections and new ideas and how I can be better, how I make ladies the leadership and public better and offer those opportunities.

00:18:02:08 - 00:18:28:03
Nicky Cuesta
And that's really what we need to start taking advantage of and leveraging those opportunities. We just never know. I, I truly believe investing in yourself, investing in your growth and really like new perspectives, so that you can create your story and feel comfortable in a safe space to do it where there's no judgment, there's no competition, there is just that love, compassion.

00:18:28:04 - 00:18:49:23
Nicky Cuesta
It is again, I, I am truly blessed. I have to say, I am truly, truly blessed that God, with the people in my life that he has placed, whether we're still in connection or not, because it has taught me something and made me, who I am and continue to just love and pour on people even more, right?

00:18:50:01 - 00:18:52:16
Nicky Cuesta
Yes. Yeah. So that great stuff.

00:18:52:18 - 00:19:28:08
Suzanne Taylor-King
Yeah. It's almost like, you know, the more the more you give, the more you step into your purpose and serve the people that you were meant to serve. It's like this exponential effect that it has. But I notice it's had an exponential effect on me. It's, you know, by helping and guiding others, whether I'm getting paid or not has helped me grow exponentially.

00:19:28:10 - 00:20:15:03
Suzanne Taylor-King
And I think, you know, if you're not an entrepreneur, you might not understand, the value of giving value to other people. And, you know, you're not getting paid for it or maybe speaking for free or, you know, small things that we do, you know, but I think once you start to feel it within yourself. And it was so evident to me, you know, meeting you that you felt that way, that you felt not only that you were a go giver, but you were willing to help and guide and, you know, stretch out a hand to someone else who wanted to do the work, too.

00:20:15:03 - 00:20:19:03
Suzanne Taylor-King
And I think, I think that's so important.

00:20:19:05 - 00:20:43:00
Nicky Cuesta
Thank you. Thank you so much for that. I'm glad that it shows. Right? Because that's all, right. I wake up for every day. It's the. Just show that one you can, It's. Yeah, you can get ready. Three. It's not going to come soon. You have to snatch it. I mean, I literally, in 2020, I was crossing my fingers, hoping for a severance package.

00:20:43:04 - 00:21:04:20
Nicky Cuesta
And for them, a decision for me. And though that was never going to happen, I heard a few words from God. Just how many, if not now, when? And I had been talking about this, what I wanted to do for years during my lunch break with some of my coworkers that are so in my life to this day, and they're like, oh my God, Nikki, you're doing what you said you were going to do.

00:21:04:20 - 00:21:28:20
Nicky Cuesta
So yeah, being able to really step into that, and say, you know what, I'm going to do it anyway. I'm going to do it with the uncertainty and coaching and all that stuff. Really wasn't in the plan initially because I actually my exit strategy was becoming a notary. So, after over a year after doing that for two years and people asking me, hey, how do you become a notary?

00:21:28:20 - 00:21:44:23
Nicky Cuesta
And I'm like, here's an email, here's the website, here's the the supplies you need. And that's it. Now they were like, Nikki, how do you really become a notary? I want you to coach me, and I build my coaching program just by my experience and the tools that I had and what I invested in myself in 48 hours.

00:21:44:23 - 00:22:09:08
Nicky Cuesta
And I'm happy to say that I was able to graduate 25 beautiful individuals, both men and women, that are able to either continue their business as a notary. As you know, when I started writing my book, that's when I wanted to go into the life coaching the business from that implementation, which is where we kind of get stuck as women.

00:22:09:08 - 00:22:23:04
Nicky Cuesta
We have all these great ideas, we see the vision, but it's really structuring it in the way that's going to create the impact. And that's where I say, hey, let's go on this journey together.

00:22:23:06 - 00:22:35:08
Suzanne Taylor-King
Well, it's it's just so evident. And so, I think I'm going to ask you what your advice would be to your younger self.

00:22:35:11 - 00:23:00:15
Nicky Cuesta
What I would tell my younger self is, Nikki, you are going to do things that you would have never dreamed of. The plan is already written for you. Just follow the process. Stay. You forever and you will impact as you well once you write it now. So yeah.

00:23:00:17 - 00:23:42:02
Suzanne Taylor-King
Love it. Yeah, I think, yeah, I, I think there would be lots of advice for my younger entrepreneur self. Probably something about systems and processes rather than just winging it, because I had no idea what I was doing at 24 with my first businesses. That's like what? What? I need an accounting system. What do and so I think that would have been my business advice to lie earlier self, you know, get the help you need, get the systems in place and, really important.

00:23:42:04 - 00:23:56:06
Suzanne Taylor-King
Anyway, let's talk about your book. I want to share about your book. How did you get to this point of writing a book about building this leadership mindset?

00:23:56:08 - 00:24:17:14
Nicky Cuesta
Oh my goodness. So again, I had to build my leadership mindset myself first. So in that journey, like the last year or two, in that organization, I had to go back to the basics, right? What what steps of courage have I take it in the past that had been affected me? So that became the first chapter of the book.

00:24:17:16 - 00:24:45:13
Nicky Cuesta
So then it goes into being ready. Then it goes into what expectations I'm setting for myself and those around me. And it goes into action, transformation, just all these things. So ultimately, I had a childhood dream that said, hey, I want to write a book by the age of 40. So of course, when I turn 40 and launch this notary program, I meet Amelia Roman, who asked me what my story was and when I thought I couldn't have one.

00:24:45:14 - 00:25:12:00
Nicky Cuesta
That is when the podcast or the YouTube channel is rebirth and building a leadership mindset was created and now turned into a book. So I was really just my, you know, the 20 years of just growth and investing in myself and really going through the motions. And, you know, the brief of loss, whenever you're at that peak and something kind of like something under you and you're like back to square one.

00:25:12:02 - 00:25:34:06
Nicky Cuesta
So I kind of throw all that stuff in there, but it really is. My chapters are laid out very intentionally. They're 13 chapters, 13 is my number. It's not an unlucky number. I promise you. And it actually spells out each chapter spells out create success. And it's each mindset that it took me, to get to where I'm at today.

00:25:34:06 - 00:25:59:03
Nicky Cuesta
Right. And this book was launched before this book was launched in, January of 2023. And it has been the the essence of what I do day in and day out. And that's what I want to share that take your story, look at it, jot these things down, what your accomplishments are. Because again, we forget to so reflect and do all those things.

00:25:59:05 - 00:26:25:15
Nicky Cuesta
Always looking for that next step. But we don't go back and see the times that we were at that high peak successful. And duplicate that. Now we want to reinvent the wheel. Yeah. So that so it's, it's a, it's a lot of that. It has some journal entries, some questions, thought provoking questions that actually get you started to to think about those things and take those actions and start building your leadership mindset on anything.

00:26:25:20 - 00:26:49:12
Nicky Cuesta
It's not just business. This is just life itself. And that's really what I'm about. Just that lifestyle of just loving yourself, knowing yourself and sharing that with the world and and just impacting. And it's truly a movement, what we want to do with found Global, and take everyone's message involved and take it to that level. Yeah, I'm excited.

00:26:49:14 - 00:27:14:21
Suzanne Taylor-King
Well, I think, what you pointed out, as women, we have to be leaders at work. And if you're a woman and an entrepreneur, it's double because you're you're it's twice as hard. You have to be a leader within your family, within your parenting, with your children, with your friends. And it really takes a lot of energy to step up.

00:27:15:01 - 00:27:43:03
Suzanne Taylor-King
And, you know, be that woman. You don't have to do it all. But you definitely have to do it well. Whatever you're doing, you have to do well. And I, I love that that's taken into consideration with the work you do. And I love something you said. I can't remember whether I saw it on Facebook or LinkedIn or, or a post you made about being a permission giver.

00:27:43:05 - 00:28:18:04
Suzanne Taylor-King
So many times women hold themselves back because nobody's giving them permission to be fabulous or permission to be a rock star, invisible and bold and make an impact. And that really struck me because I know when somebody gave me permission, I mean, and she's a doctor and she said, do you need me to write you a prescription? And I was like, for what?

00:28:18:06 - 00:28:28:07
Suzanne Taylor-King
She said, permission to be who you're meant to be, to step into that. And sometimes that's all that's needed.

00:28:28:09 - 00:28:46:10
Nicky Cuesta
Yes. Oh my God of goodness. I just got chills with that, you know, the prescription and giving yourself permission and that's that's it all that's vital. So your next step that's vital to the generations to come. Yeah. A thing that we're big on, especially with our events for women, is that we want you to bring your children.

00:28:46:10 - 00:29:09:00
Nicky Cuesta
We want you to bring your nieces, your granddaughters, because we want them to be impacted as well at a younger age, give them permission to shines and be able to accept themselves. And that's why my subtitle for the book is 13 Mindsets to Give Yourself Permission to succeed, I had to give myself permission and say, you know what?

00:29:09:02 - 00:29:30:10
Nicky Cuesta
I can't leave my my destiny in someone else's hands. I have to take ownership. I have to take responsibility if I want it, I have to go out there and get it. And you can't. You. And sometimes you just need that tribe. You need that push. You need that someone that's going to just guide you and really, show you the way.

00:29:30:10 - 00:29:49:06
Nicky Cuesta
That's who you are for attached to you. Because a lot of this that I've done, I didn't do it alone. I can't I have a best friend for 37 years who was our executive manager, who had no parts of wanting to do anything speaking, or being on camera or doing this thing. And she's launching her first.

00:29:49:07 - 00:30:16:11
Nicky Cuesta
Well, she launched her first podcast. She's running a team of six. She is speaking every day. We can't get her to stop. And again, she just wanted to be a cheerleader. But you don't have to be in the background. You don't have to be behind the scenes. We want you to be up front shining and accepting that that is okay without, you know, being arrogant without and things like.

00:30:16:13 - 00:30:44:06
Nicky Cuesta
And that's sometimes our humble ness stuns us and sabotages our greatness because we feel that we can't express our success and share that. And it's so important that you have to. People need to know you exist, that you're there, that you're ready and willing to help, that next person gets to their destination. To not be shameful of that step and see your power into your mission, into your purpose.

00:30:44:06 - 00:30:55:14
Nicky Cuesta
And I always say you have to live in your purpose on purpose. And how do you do that? You just take action. You ride the wave.

00:30:55:16 - 00:31:23:12
Suzanne Taylor-King
Well, gorgeous. That is just amazing. And that's our perfect spot to wrap up. What a motivational message. Thank you so much for sharing a piece of you and a piece of what you do on stage. I felt like I was listening to one of your talks. You're so passionate about this. And if you're out there listening, Nikki's book is right below the link here.

00:31:23:15 - 00:31:40:09
Suzanne Taylor-King
And her website. And if you need permission in your life, I'm sure she'd love to hear from you. And I'm sure she'd love to write you a little prescription on being your biggest, baddest, boldest self. Thank you so much, Nikki.

00:31:40:11 - 00:31:46:10
Nicky Cuesta
Thank you so much. And that's the prescription. Will read make it count.

00:31:46:12 - 00:31:48:07
Suzanne Taylor-King
Nice. Perfect.

00:31:48:11 - 00:31:51:21
Nicky Cuesta
Thank you so much for having me. Have a great one.

00:31:51:23 - 00:31:59:05
Suzanne Taylor-King
Yeah. Have a great Friday everyone. And tune in next week for another episode of Unlock Your Way with STK.

00:31:59:05 - 00:32:26:23
Suzanne Taylor-King
Thank you for tuning in to another empowering episode of Unlock Your Way. I hope you found today's discussion inspiring, and you're ready to take your business and personal growth to that next level. If you're feeling is fired up as I am and eager to unlock that full potential, I'm here to help you on your journey and provide that personalized guidance tailored to your unique goals and challenges.

00:32:27:01 - 00:32:53:18
Suzanne Taylor-King
Simply book a one on one coaching call with me, and we'll dive deep into your business aspirations and see how we could co-create a roadmap for your success. And whether you're striving to scale an enterprise size or just getting started. I'm here to support you every step of the way. To schedule your coaching call, simply visit the website and unlock your way with SI.com.

00:32:53:20 - 00:33:32:18
Suzanne Taylor-King
Click on the Book a Call button and we'll turn your dreams into that reality. Subscribe and review on your favorite podcast platform and on YouTube. Plus, you can join over 800 entrepreneurs in the Idea Lab, Facebook group. Let's make success as an entrepreneur happen together. Until next time, I'm AK. Keep dreaming big. Stay focused. And most of all, have fun while you're doing it.


Nicky Cuesta Profile Photo

Nicky Cuesta

Life Coach and Mentor

Nicky Cuesta is a passionate individual who has defied expectations and made a profound impact as a mother, wife, and professional. After over two decades in corporate America, she shattered the glass ceiling and embraced her true purpose of becoming her own boss in 2020. Taking a leap of faith, Nicky became a notary, which sparked the creation of her first coaching program within 48 hours in 2022.

Nicky immediately started the Building A Leadership Mindset Brand May of 2022, to then officially launched BALM GLOBAL May of 2023. BALM GLOBAL is a transformative organization dedicated to building women leaders worldwide. As an award-winning speaker, author, and coach, she has captivated audiences with her inspiring words and received accolades for her contributions. Nicky's podcast, "Building a Leadership Mindset," amplifies the voices of community leaders who are revolutionizing the marketplace.

Nicky's role as a Community Leader for "Ladies of Leadership" showcases her commitment to empowering women through life's challenges, fostering purpose-driven lives in a supportive community. Her upcoming initiative, EMPOWER TO INSPIRE, is set to embark on a nationwide tour across all 50 states, bringing her empowering message to communities throughout the country.

With a mission to Build Women Leaders Globally, Nicky Cuesta's passion and dedication have transformed lives, inspiring women to embrace their potential as we together create positive change. Her remarkable journey serves as a testament to the power of fait…