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Oct. 5, 2024

Ep41 Joe Apfelbaum - The Simple 15-Minute Daily Habit That Can Transform Your Professional Network

Ep41 Joe Apfelbaum - The Simple 15-Minute Daily Habit That Can Transform Your Professional Network

LinkedIn isn't just a platform - it's a goldmine for business growth

In this episode of Unlock Your Way with STK, host Suzanne Taylor-King sits down with Joe Apfelbaum, CEO of Ajax Union, LinkedIn maestro, and creator of evyAI to uncover the hidden power of the world's largest professional network.

Joe shares his journey from being interested in LinkedIn to becoming an evangelist, revealing how Microsoft's $26.2 billion acquisition of the platform in 2016 sparked his interest and led to millions in revenue for his business.

Suzanne, a self-proclaimed "fangirl" of Joe's work, brings her own insights to the table. She shares her "Taylored 20" technique for LinkedIn engagement, demonstrating how she keeps track of influencers, peers, and prospects using Joe's AI tool, evyAI.


Key takeaways from this episode:

1. The power of consistent engagement: Joe explains how leaving 5-10 thoughtful comments daily can dramatically increase your visibility and network.

2. Quality over quantity: Why one LinkedIn connection is worth ten Instagram followers when it comes to business growth.

3. The art of the ask: Joe breaks down how to craft questions that drive referrals and expand your network.

4. Visibility as currency: Suzanne and Joe discuss how increased visibility on LinkedIn translates to real business opportunities.

5. AI as your LinkedIn assistant: How tools like evyAI can help you maintain authentic engagement at scale.


Joe leaves listeners with a powerful message: "The secret to living is giving." He encourages everyone to share their knowledge and passion, emphasizing that enthusiasm is infectious.

Whether you're a LinkedIn novice or a seasoned pro, this episode offers actionable strategies to leverage the platform for business growth, networking, and personal branding.

Don't miss out on the wealth of knowledge shared in this conversation. Tune in now and start unlocking your way to LinkedIn success.


00:00:00:00 - 00:00:15:13
Joe Apfelbaum
we are not automation, we are an assistant. So if you had a full time assistant working for you, your assistant would draft information for you that is relevant to the client. That would help you be able to speed up the process of communicating with the client. And that's the purpose of our AI.

00:00:15:14 - 00:00:18:06
Joe Apfelbaum
instead of spending an hour doing it, you do it in five minutes.

00:00:18:06 - 00:00:44:12
Suzanne Taylor-King
Hey, hey. Welcome to a podcast where dreams meet. Determination and success is just around the corner. I'm your host, Suzanne Taylor King. And I'm here to help you unlock the full potential of your business and your life. Welcome to Unlock Your Way with SDK. Let's unlock your path to success together.

00:00:44:12 - 00:01:16:03
Suzanne Taylor-King
Good morning. Good morning everyone. Suzanne Taylor King here for another edition of Unlock Your Way with STK and today I'm totally going to fangirl all day long about Joe Appelbaum, CEO of NBA. I and LinkedIn maestro. Almost, I want to say, and just such an incredible AI genius. I'm in love with your software. Welcome to the show.

00:01:16:05 - 00:01:29:03
Joe Apfelbaum
Thank you for having me. I'm so excited to be here. And thank you for the kind words. I'm so grateful that people are using AI. It's such a helpful tool for people that are serious about LinkedIn, so thank you for using it and thank you for recommending it to your clients.

00:01:29:05 - 00:02:04:09
Suzanne Taylor-King
Yes. I have a little technique that I developed over the years about who to follow and who to engage with, and it's different for every person. And my company is called Tailored Consulting. So I call this the tailored 20. And I recommend following 20 influencers, 20 peers and then 20 prospects at any given time. And engaging with them on LinkedIn, which is very up your alley as far as you know, commenting, engaging.

00:02:04:11 - 00:02:13:14
Suzanne Taylor-King
Tell me a little bit about, well, one, how you got started with LinkedIn in general. When did you realize that that was the platform for you?

00:02:13:16 - 00:02:33:01
Joe Apfelbaum
Well, in 2016, Microsoft paid $26.2 billion for LinkedIn. So I've been a big fan of LinkedIn for many years, but it was I didn't really start paying a lot of attention to it until Microsoft made that investment. I've been following Microsoft for many, many years. I was obsessed with what they were doing. I'm more of a Microsoft person than I am an Apple person.

00:02:33:01 - 00:02:53:23
Joe Apfelbaum
There's a lot of people that are hardcore Apple fans. I was always a PC. I kind of tried to shift to Apple, but I just think I just couldn't do it. I like there was so many things about PC that I like better because I'm very technical, and so I just, I would just obsessed with them. And then they bought LinkedIn and I was like, wow, if they're going to buy LinkedIn, they're really going to change it around and make it better.

00:02:53:23 - 00:03:10:17
Joe Apfelbaum
And as soon as they bought it, they started adding these features to it. They started adding articles, they started making SEO friendly. They started to add, they added video, and they added so many different things to it. And I was like, wow, this is an incredible platform. And it was so easy for me to be able to add connections.

00:03:10:19 - 00:03:41:03
Joe Apfelbaum
So in 2016, 2017, 2018, I realized that every connection that I add to LinkedIn also becomes a follower. And you can add up to 30,000 connections. Yeah. So I was like, wow, if I can add a few thousand connections every single year, I will get to 30,000 followers in no time. And that was true. And I was able to generate millions of dollars in revenue as a result of the types of followers that I was adding, I was getting conversations, I was booking calls, and then people started asking me, can you teach me?

00:03:41:03 - 00:03:54:00
Joe Apfelbaum
I see that you're doing LinkedIn really well. Can you teach me how to do it? And I was like, I'm not a LinkedIn teacher. I'm not a coach, I'm a CEO. I have a marketing agency. I can do it for you. And so he's like, no, just teach me, teach me, teach me. And so I started teaching people how to do it.

00:03:54:00 - 00:04:11:14
Joe Apfelbaum
And I realized, oh my God, I really enjoy teaching people all the hacks. And people started saying, hey, Joe, if you had a course, I'd buy it. And so I created a course and we've trained over 1000 companies on how to leverage LinkedIn. And one of the things that I realized was that people don't have the time to do all the activities they need to do.

00:04:11:14 - 00:04:29:09
Joe Apfelbaum
They don't have the structure, they don't have the systems and processes. And for a long time, I had a dream to build a software, but I never had the courage to do it. It's like it's like taking a leap into a world that is unknown and it's almost like launching a book. I don't know if you've ever met anybody that has written a book but hasn't published a book.

00:04:29:09 - 00:04:33:20
Joe Apfelbaum
You know, like you, you create a masterpiece and you're like, well, I'm not ready to unveil. Let's do some.

00:04:33:20 - 00:04:38:22
Suzanne Taylor-King
More of those people. Thanks, Joe. Yeah, I did, thanks for like, reading my mind.

00:04:39:00 - 00:05:00:02
Joe Apfelbaum
Well, what resonates with you? But it also resonates with millions of people. Yeah. They say the cemetery is the biggest library in the world, and so people die with their books. And so I said, I don't want to die and may not be publishing some piece of software that makes people's lives better. And over and over I would create software, and then I'd be afraid to publish it, because what if it doesn't work?

00:05:00:02 - 00:05:21:22
Joe Apfelbaum
What if people don't like it? Whatever it is? After I got divorced, I said, listen, I went through the ringer. I have nothing to lose. I am going to launch a software. And so when I came out, I put up a thing on LinkedIn and I said, who is interested in getting an AI for LinkedIn? If you're interested, fill out this form and 100 people paid for the AI beta before I even developed it.

00:05:21:22 - 00:05:39:10
Joe Apfelbaum
And I was like, okay, now I'm forced to develop it. I have 100 people that pay that 100 customers already. Yeah. So I developed the software to and it didn't work at first and I had trouble, but eventually I got it to work. And now we have 15,000 people in 36 countries around the world using it. And I'm just so excited about the impact we're able to make.

00:05:39:10 - 00:05:56:01
Joe Apfelbaum
We just signed up a sales team with 62 users, and the CEO of the company said, dude, this is changing the game for our sales reps because now they're all able to post, are able to comment. They're able to save their prospects and to list. Whereas before they were not able to do it because most of them don't use Sales Navigator, they don't have the ability to do that.

00:05:56:01 - 00:06:15:13
Joe Apfelbaum
Now you have the ability to organize your contacts, the ability to network, the ability to stay top of mind. And it also saves a ton of time. So I'm just super excited about LinkedIn because, you know, on Facebook I see somebody, I don't know who they are. On Instagram, I see Betty, 25, 32, dancer, 47. I don't know, I have no idea who it is.

00:06:15:15 - 00:06:36:00
Joe Apfelbaum
I'm a big dog. I see Big Al 27. I have no idea who Big Al is, but on LinkedIn I see your first name, your last name, your company name, where you work, where you work before, what you're doing, what you're commenting on. I see everything about you and Jeff Goldberg. And so it's just amazing that I could see so much information about a person and really get to know them.

00:06:36:00 - 00:06:51:23
Joe Apfelbaum
And when it comes to the world of AI, needs that data in order for it to be able to comment in order for it to be able to create a connection. Note in order for it to build a build rapport in the DM. And so if for me, like the data is everything. And so if you're not using LinkedIn, you're missing out every connection on LinkedIn.

00:06:51:23 - 00:06:55:09
Joe Apfelbaum
Every follower on LinkedIn is worth ten times a follower on Instagram.

00:06:55:11 - 00:07:29:17
Suzanne Taylor-King
Absolutely, absolutely. I only started posting, you know, 5 or 6 days a week. A year and a half ago. And, you know, before that was kind of intermittent. And I just quickly realized that not only was the quality better, but the exactly what you said so much more information about is this person, somebody that is legit in the space and you know, their content.

00:07:29:22 - 00:07:50:22
Suzanne Taylor-King
It was so much more readily available. And I was one of those beta users of every and has a special place in my heart because that was my mom's name. So, I was instantly attracted. I was like, oh, an AI software that has the same name as my mom. So I was like, oh, let me check this out.

00:07:51:00 - 00:08:20:12
Suzanne Taylor-King
And I had heard such good things about you from Jeff. And I had also been following your LinkedIn advice in your content. So, you know, great visuals, great videos. We're both from new Jersey. And so there was all these things in common that if I had seen you on Facebook or Instagram, I wouldn't have necessarily had that amount of information to be a fan of.

00:08:20:12 - 00:08:34:10
Suzanne Taylor-King
Joe. Right. And I feel like LinkedIn is such an easier place to really find real, genuine in people who are doing amazing things in the world.

00:08:34:12 - 00:08:58:12
Joe Apfelbaum
100% and and see everything that they're doing is just crazy. And you can see their network and you can see there they draw connections, and there's so much that you can see about somebody. And it's also verified now, like people verified with their government ID and LinkedIn's forcing almost everyone to verify. So if you guys are not like Sara taking it seriously, like if someone's in a networking group and they're not using LinkedIn, they're not taking LinkedIn seriously, they're not taking networking seriously.

00:08:58:12 - 00:09:14:09
Joe Apfelbaum
LinkedIn is synonymous with networking and when I Google your name, Lathan is number one for almost every single person. And so why not learn how to leverage a platform? Why not take it seriously? And why not show up every day for 15 minutes a day doing the things that will help you change?

00:09:14:11 - 00:09:51:03
Suzanne Taylor-King
Well, and that's the thing. So that's I think that's what, Abby has shown me and your, your method of, you know, commenting, engaging, reaching out to people. It's very easy to do and it's not overwhelming. And when you have a tool like Evy to help you, I, I have been doing, you know, a certain method of reaching out to people, you know, certain influencers that follows or peers I follow, and then anyone who is a prospect for me or a potential podcast guest.

00:09:51:03 - 00:10:25:23
Suzanne Taylor-King
I have all these separate lists of people in every. I don't need sales navigator at this point in my career. I just don't. And I think the quality of what you've put out really makes it easy for my clients to follow what I'm recommending for them to build their network and what I love most, and maybe you can talk a little bit about what was your thinking behind not only the lists of people, but the idea that you could go and engage.

00:10:26:01 - 00:10:50:16
Suzanne Taylor-King
So, for example, I had an event for coaches this week, and of course I have a list in a Evy A that's all coaches and I can easily go through that list and engage with some of their content, send them a DM and remind them about my event. And it's so easy that you can do it in 15 minutes a day.

00:10:50:16 - 00:11:07:15
Suzanne Taylor-King
It doesn't feel overwhelming. What was your what was your thinking behind, you know, the link to the activity feed? Number one, and this idea that engaging more authentically is actually going to move the needle in your business.

00:11:07:17 - 00:11:28:04
Joe Apfelbaum
Well, what I found was that when I email somebody, they often don't get the email. Yeah. When I send somebody a direct message it gets lost in their inbox because so they're getting so many messages. But if somebody takes the time to write a post, somebody pours their heart out in a post and then crickets, maybe they get 2 or 3 likes.

00:11:28:04 - 00:11:51:04
Joe Apfelbaum
Maybe their father liked it, maybe their and liked it. Maybe their cousin or the creepy neighbor liked it. But nobody commented on the post because most people are lurkers. Most people are afraid to comment. And then I went ahead and I proactively made a list and I proactively checked who posted, and I noticed that somebody in my networking group wore their heart out about their latest book.

00:11:51:04 - 00:12:16:09
Joe Apfelbaum
Or they they said that they just donated to a charity, or they just said they were honored. And nobody in the networking group commented. But I took the liberty to comment because I had with them on a list. Yes. And and I have a list of my most engaged people in a spreadsheet. I have a thousand people in a spreadsheet that are the most engage people, and I would run through that list every month and at least once a month.

00:12:16:09 - 00:12:42:09
Joe Apfelbaum
I'm top of mind with a thousand people that it has given me so much power. So and also in context. So I'm part of the joint venture mastermind group. I'm part of the Executives Association. I'm in networks like this stage and entrepreneurs Organization and Ypo and Inc 5000. And each network that I'm part of, I have the 20 people that are active in that network.

00:12:42:09 - 00:13:10:09
Joe Apfelbaum
And I know that you're a big fan of the 20 2020. If you just had a list of 20 people that you saved into a list inside FBI or on a spreadsheet, it would change your life if you literally just looked to see what they've recently posted. Yeah, then just left a simple comment for them which shows them that you care people don't care how much you know until they know how much you care, as Zig Ziglar said that.

00:13:10:14 - 00:13:31:08
Joe Apfelbaum
Yeah. How do you show someone that you care as you give them? What can you give people? Maybe you can't give them an introduction because you don't know who their ideal client is. Maybe you can't give them a soda because they're a diabetic. What can you give them? You can give them attention. You can give them love. And when you see a plant and you give a plant a beautiful comment, the plant thrives.

00:13:31:08 - 00:13:51:13
Joe Apfelbaum
When you see a human being and you leave a grateful comment, a loving comment, a thoughtful comment, it's relevant to their post that makes them thrive. So if you want to nurture your network, leave a comment on their post and it will be nurturing their network. And what better way to leave a comment than with a tool that will draft one in your voice?

00:13:51:13 - 00:14:09:07
Joe Apfelbaum
Now we are not automation, we are an assistant. So if you had a full time assistant working for you, your assistant would draft information for you that is relevant to the client. That would help you be able to speed up the process of communicating with the client. And that's the purpose of our AI. It's not here to replace you.

00:14:09:07 - 00:14:21:14
Joe Apfelbaum
It's not here to automate or to sound inauthentic. It's here to draft something that's 80% good. And then you just add the 20% and hit send, which will save you instead of spending an hour doing it, you do it in five minutes. That's the idea.

00:14:21:16 - 00:14:45:11
Suzanne Taylor-King
Yeah. And what you said, somebody asked me not too long ago how I had pulled an event together. And people in the room who know me, everybody in the room knows me, but they all didn't know each other. And somebody asked, where did these people come from, Suzanne? I was like, oh, I have four different networks of people.

00:14:45:16 - 00:15:13:10
Suzanne Taylor-King
And this event was for all of them. And she was like, say more about that, Lisa. Well, I have this networking group, I have my mastermind group that I participate in. Then I have the groups that I run, and then I have a facilitation group that I'm in. So these four different networks of people, I keep track of all of them all in Evy.

00:15:13:12 - 00:15:41:11
Suzanne Taylor-King
And what's amazing is that people have started to notice and the and I always reference you know, how do you do that? How do you keep track of four different networks, plus a list of potential podcast guests, plus a list of coaches, plus a list of people who have come inbound to me. That's a whole nother list of people.

00:15:41:13 - 00:15:53:14
Suzanne Taylor-King
And how do you keep track of all that? And I get asked that at least once a day. Maybe I should be an affiliate for you. I'm just thinking maybe I should just.

00:15:53:17 - 00:15:56:01
Joe Apfelbaum
Every dot slash affiliate.

00:15:56:04 - 00:16:23:10
Suzanne Taylor-King
Okay, well, I just need to get the t shirt that that has Evy on it and wear it. Because I think what you've created here, not only is it authentic commenting, and I will say, because I have it programed the right way to, you know, talk like me. The only time I edit the comments when I'm using it is to make it shorter, actually.

00:16:23:12 - 00:16:50:07
Suzanne Taylor-King
So sometimes it gives me too much and I'll take out half of it because sometimes I think less is more. The other thing I tried was adding more value to the post, so maybe I'll try it out on you and see what you think. Your next post that gives me some sort of instruction or motivation or a tool if I add value to that post.

00:16:50:10 - 00:17:02:18
Suzanne Taylor-King
Like and this, well, one, it makes you look even better for, for that. And it's really easy to do with Abby as well.

00:17:02:20 - 00:17:25:04
Joe Apfelbaum
And your present and Abby gives you three things. It gives you a goal, a tone and a persona that you can, initiate with each conversation. And so if you find the post that I just wrote a post this morning, I said, who do you know that has a sales team that uses LinkedIn? I ask this question to my connections because when it comes to referral marketing and professional networking, it's important for you to ask the right questions.

00:17:25:04 - 00:17:37:07
Joe Apfelbaum
A lot of people say, can you refer a business to me? But that's not the best question. Instead, ask them, who do you know? And be specific with the type of person you want to meet. Who do you know that uses Sales Navigator? Who do you know that's a sales trainer? Who do you know that's named Jeff Goldberg?

00:17:37:09 - 00:17:41:00
Suzanne Taylor-King
If that's a lot of times, can we say his name in the video?

00:17:41:00 - 00:18:06:07
Joe Apfelbaum
That's why you need the algorithm to remind him. I even tagged him under this post right now, just to let him know that to wake him up early in the morning and say, Jeff Goldberg, join us, then join us in the conversation. Anyway, yeah, my point is that I put value posts almost every single day. And when you use AI to add value because one of the goals are provide value, you're able to instantly be able to provide value in your voice with your profession.

00:18:06:07 - 00:18:25:17
Joe Apfelbaum
Because I'm in marketing, I add marketing related value. If you're a sales trainer, you add sales trainer related value. If you're a coach, you add coaching related value. And so if everyone in my network added a little tiny bit of value to my post, that would elevate the post, and it would also make you look good because people are reading the comments just like they're reading the post.

00:18:25:22 - 00:18:45:23
Joe Apfelbaum
And I don't know if you know this, but whenever you comment on LinkedIn, if it's more than seven words, it goes back into the feed. And so what happens is, yeah, what happens is not only does the post go back into the feed, but also that comment appears in the feed under the post for your connections. So every person that's looking at the feed will see a different experience of the feed based on who they're connected to and who commented on the post.

00:18:45:23 - 00:19:01:10
Joe Apfelbaum
I don't know if you've ever seen. If you're on the feed, you can see which one of your connections liked a particular post. Yeah, so. And which one of the connections commented and it highlights that specific comment. If it's more than seven words, the next time you're on the feed, just pay attention to that well, and then you'll see that and you'll be like, wow, I should leave more comments.

00:19:01:14 - 00:19:20:21
Joe Apfelbaum
My recommendation is leaving 5 to 10 comments a day. You don't want to overdo it, but leaving 5 to 10 comments a day is a good amount of comments. So think about it. If you left ten comments a day for 365 days a year, that's the houses of little tiny top of mind comments that you're leaving in front of people.

00:19:20:23 - 00:19:38:09
Joe Apfelbaum
And for me, if I if I can leave 100 comments a week, that's fantastic. That's over 5000 comments per year. I would love to leave 200 comments a week. That means I'm leaving 10,000 comments a year with every I. That's possible in less than 15 minutes a day.

00:19:38:11 - 00:20:13:07
Suzanne Taylor-King
And visibility, was my topic this week on numerous different conversations and gaining more visibility in today's social media landscape is really the game we're all playing here. To be in front of more people, to be top of mind with more people. And if the human brain can only remember 100 people without the use of technology, how do you keep track of more people, have more engagement?

00:20:13:07 - 00:20:53:22
Suzanne Taylor-King
You get a thousand people to remember you. Oh, you have 5000 people remember you. Oh, you have 30,000 people. Know who you are. That's the key. That's the key. In today's day and age, it's not just about followers. Followers are great. Vanity metrics don't make money. What makes money is that engagement with other people. And you have this interesting way, like, we don't know each other really, but I feel as though I know you from your content, from your posts, from Jeff Goldberg.

00:20:54:23 - 00:21:19:06
Suzanne Taylor-King
So let's talk a little bit about what that's like. So people know who Joe is because of your visibility. People know who STK is because of my visibility. How has that actually gotten you? More business made you more money? Change things? Priya.

00:21:19:08 - 00:21:35:04
Joe Apfelbaum
Well, the way things change things for me is that people do business when they know you, when they like you, and when they trust you. That's like the reality of it. People won't do business with you if they don't know you, because how they supposed to do business with you if they don't like you, even if they trust you, they're probably not going to do business with you.

00:21:35:04 - 00:21:54:03
Joe Apfelbaum
I would say like you is more important, but how someone is able to like you, you can't be interesting if you're not interested. You got to kind of show the world what you're interested in. Yeah. And then people will find you interesting, even if they're not interested in what you're interested in. If you're if someone's like, Joe, I just want to watch you because you're enthusiastic and passionate.

00:21:54:05 - 00:22:14:14
Joe Apfelbaum
Yeah. And Dale Carnegie says enthusiasm is a skill that you need to learn to have. So people get infected by your enthusiasm because enthusiasm is infectious. So if you're not enthusiastic, if you're not excited, if you're not sharing of yourself with the world, sharing is caring. And so sharing what you have yourself. I went on LinkedIn live 131 times this year.

00:22:14:14 - 00:22:31:08
Joe Apfelbaum
That's besides the 100 times that I was on other people's lives. So what I want, I want you to think of that in terms of like, how many times have you even posted if someone's watching this, how many times have you posted this year? If you post once a day and there's 150 days had passed so far in the year, that's 150 posts.

00:22:31:08 - 00:22:50:05
Joe Apfelbaum
Did you post 250 posts? I went on live 131 times and I'm counting it. And my goal is to go to 244 times this year. So I'm already halfway past, had my halfway mark, and my goal is to really wrap up and do 244 lives this year and each live. I'm not just doing a live for the sake of doing the live.

00:22:50:05 - 00:23:05:08
Joe Apfelbaum
With each live, I come up with a topic and I sit down and I go deep into the topic. Sometimes my live is ten 15 minutes, sometimes my live could be an hour and a half. And so what I want to encourage people is like, if you Google me right now, you Google my name and you look at the top 1000 results.

00:23:05:10 - 00:23:28:22
Joe Apfelbaum
I'm almost almost 100 of those results. Are my lives. Like it just shows up in the top three four pages of LinkedIn. Every other, every other, every third video, every third. Line item is a video of me and people are finding me. I have hundreds of new followers on YouTube because I'm just consistently going live, and people don't realize is one of the things I heard Tony Robbins say.

00:23:29:03 - 00:23:47:02
Joe Apfelbaum
I went I watched Tony Robbins three times at three separate up, and one of the things that I heard Tony Robbins say is that if you if you're like most people that are speaking, maybe you're getting one speaking gig a month. That means you're trying 12 times a year. So maybe in ten years you'll have 100 under your belt.

00:23:47:03 - 00:24:06:05
Joe Apfelbaum
He's like, he's like, I wanted to become the best speaker in the world in order to become the best speaker in the world. He said what I needed to do is I needed to speak three times a day, and if I didn't have a speaking engagement, I would get up at a McDonald's and speak. I would just get up and speak to an audience of five people, and I would just speak beautifully.

00:24:06:05 - 00:24:24:14
Joe Apfelbaum
Then people would listen and I would get good. And after doing this for 40 years, you get really, really, really good at something. He's like, in a week, I'm much better than somebody else is in a year. So if you want to get good at something, you got to practice. And practice makes perfect. Like that's the idea, like repetition and doing it over and over and over.

00:24:24:16 - 00:24:46:07
Joe Apfelbaum
And so I just want to say, like the exposure that I get gets people to know me, like me and trust me. Yeah, of course there are going to be the haters. There are going to be people that don't like me because of what I look like or who I am or what I said, or because they don't really know who I am or what I stand for, and they're just judging me based on my based on what they've, you know, the feeling that they have, who they, who I remind them of in their life or whatever it is.

00:24:46:09 - 00:25:02:08
Joe Apfelbaum
But that's okay. The vast majority of people that listen to me and get to know me will actually resonate with my message, because my message is about the secret to living is giving. It's about making a difference. It's about positivity. And people that are in business and that are doing LinkedIn and that are out there that are on social media.

00:25:02:10 - 00:25:21:14
Joe Apfelbaum
Many of them, most of them, I would say are positive, are influential, are successful. And so those are the people I want to stay top of mind with. And for me, leaving comments, sending messages, writing prose. That's how you get people to know you like you, and trust you and you. Everyone's. Everyone has the power to do that.

00:25:21:14 - 00:25:26:01
Joe Apfelbaum
You have the power to leave a comment, especially with I.

00:25:26:03 - 00:25:30:10
Suzanne Taylor-King
I love it. Thank you so much. It's my.

00:25:30:10 - 00:25:30:22
Joe Apfelbaum

00:25:31:04 - 00:26:03:10
Suzanne Taylor-King
I, I seriously, I not only the I piece of what you do, but just, you know, the authenticity in your videos. You're excited about what you do, everything you just said we need to do you do you model it so, so well for people. And I just want to say thank you for being in my network. I'm driving up to you at some point and we're going to do a live together.

00:26:03:20 - 00:26:27:20
Suzanne Taylor-King
I'll take you to lunch or coffee or whatever. Because when I found out you were in new Jersey, I was like, oh, he's in new Jersey. Well, like, somehow you became more attainable to me to have a conversation with. So, how can everybody get in touch with you, talk a little bit about your community, and I'll share the link in the comments.

00:26:27:22 - 00:26:50:17
Joe Apfelbaum
Okay. Yeah. So I have a school community that meets six times a month called skool.com/ai automation. And I want to teach people how to use artificial intelligence together with automation to help them be able to create agents and to be able to support them both on LinkedIn and off LinkedIn. And then also I have another community, called school.com/ai.

00:26:50:17 - 00:27:11:21
Joe Apfelbaum
So the AI automation is a premium community. There's a monthly fee to be part of it. But school.com MBA is a free one. So definitely go check that one out as well as Skool Alchemy I we give tons of free tips about how to use AI and how to use AI for LinkedIn specifically. So if you want to grow your business, definitely become part of this community.

00:27:12:03 - 00:27:27:15
Joe Apfelbaum
Make sure that you put in your LinkedIn URL and that you tell us who you are because we don't just let anybody in. There's over 150 people waiting to join that community, and we're just not letting them in, because we don't know who they are. But if you put in your LinkedIn URL, there will know who you are, and we'll help you be able to be even more successful.

00:27:27:15 - 00:27:33:04
Joe Apfelbaum
So thank you very much for having me. You know, thank you for sharing. And thank you for being in my life. We'll talk again.

00:27:33:05 - 00:27:34:00
Suzanne Taylor-King
Jeff Goldberg.

00:27:34:02 - 00:27:35:10
Joe Apfelbaum
Yeah. Jeff Goldberg.

00:27:35:11 - 00:27:37:22
Suzanne Taylor-King
Jeff Goldberg I'm all right. Thanks, Joe.

00:27:38:03 - 00:27:39:16
Joe Apfelbaum
All the best. Bye

00:27:39:15 - 00:28:07:09
Suzanne Taylor-King
Thank you for tuning in to another empowering episode of Unlock Your Way. I hope you found today's discussion inspiring, and you're ready to take your business and personal growth to that next level. If you're feeling is fired up as I am and eager to unlock that full potential, I'm here to help you on your journey and provide that personalized guidance tailored to your unique goals and challenges.

00:28:07:11 - 00:28:34:04
Suzanne Taylor-King
Simply book a one on one coaching call with me, and we'll dive deep into your business aspirations and see how we could co-create a roadmap for your success. And whether you're striving to scale an enterprise size or just getting started. I'm here to support you every step of the way. To schedule your coaching call, simply visit the website and unlock your way with SI.com.

00:28:34:06 - 00:29:13:04
Suzanne Taylor-King
Click on the Book a Call button and we'll turn your dreams into that reality. Subscribe and review on your favorite podcast platform and on YouTube. Plus, you can join over 800 entrepreneurs in the Idea Lab, Facebook group. Let's make success as an entrepreneur happen together. Until next time, I'm AK. Keep dreaming big. Stay focused. And most of all, have fun while you're doing it.


Joe Apfelbaum Profile Photo

Joe Apfelbaum


Joe Apfelbaum has trained over 1000 companies on how to leverage LinkedIn over the past 3 years and most recently how to use AI for business development and marketing. He is a digital marketing expert and the CEO of a marketing Agency that has been ranked on the INC5000 as one of the fastest growing private companies in the US. He is the author of 5 books including his most recent book High Energy Networking. He is the founder of an AI assistant for LinkedIn, a software he developed with his team to help LinkedIn users maximize the platform and save time using an AI that learns your voice and can help craft comments and content. When he is not on stages all over the world inspiring and educating professionals he spends time with his 5 children rollerblading and rapping in Hillside, NJ.