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Feb. 7, 2025

Ep50 Paul Gordon - Why Your Authenticity Isn't Working

Ep50 Paul Gordon - Why Your Authenticity Isn't Working

Most "authentic" content creators are actually boring - but it doesn't have to be that way.

In this raw and candid conversation, host Suzanne Taylor-King welcomes performance expert Paul Gordon to expose the truth about scripted content and cookie-cutter formulas that plague the online business world.

Paul, who has performed on national television shows worldwide, shares his expertise on:

- Why simply "being authentic" isn't enough

- How to stop focusing on your appearance and start delivering real value

- The crucial difference between telling people what they want to hear vs what they need to hear

- Breaking free from templated scripts and formulas

- Creating genuine connections through video and live presentations

Suzanne opens up about her own growth journey in facilitation and group leadership, while Paul provides practical tips for developing true authority in your field.

This conversation gets real about:

- The problem with guru-style marketing

- Why most "authenticity" advice falls flat

- How to actually improve your presentation skills

- Building genuine audience connections

Whether you're a business owner, coach, or content creator, this episode will transform how you show up online and on camera.

Ready to stop being boring and start making real impact? Listen now.

Follow Paul Gordon on LinkedIn and Facebook to access his free "Pirate Content Framework" and learn more about his Unscripted Authority Academy.

Subscribe to Unlock Your Way with STK for more unfiltered conversations about building an authentic business presence.



Suzanne Taylor-King  0:00  
The most successful I've ever been selling anything. I was selling something that I have done myself, and I believed it made a difference for me, and now I want it to make a difference for you. Period. Hey, hey, welcome to a podcast where dreams meet determination and success is just around the corner. I'm your host, Suzanne Taylor King, and I'm here to help you unlock the full potential of your business and your life. Welcome to unlock your way with SDK, let's unlock your path to success together. Happy New Year everyone. It's Suzanne Taylor king here for another Friday episode of unlock your way with STK and today, boy, you are in for a really special treat. My friend my Facebook connection. We've never met in person, but we've known each other for years, and have been following each other's content. Paul Gordon, welcome, welcome, welcome.

Paul Gordon  1:14  
Hey, hey. Hey, Suze, so

Suzanne Taylor-King  1:16  
great to see you. I am so excited to bring you to my audience, because one of the things I love so much about you is the unscripted, the raw, the real content, and one of the things we've talked about So many times is the over scriptedness of the Guru type, you know, coaches and consultants and offers out there in the world, and you just do you so, so well, and you teach other people to do that as well. So let's get into it today and really talk about this idea of being yourself and being unscripted and being more natural and vibrant on camera. Yes,

Paul Gordon  2:13  
let us do that. Yeah. What is that? Is practically everything, and I saw a couple comments on, I don't know, I think it was on your LinkedIn thing, and someone was saying, really, you know, what is the art of face dancing and, you know, so we can talk about that. But I want to talk for just a moment, because you brought it up. Mm, hmm. Of the gurus, gurus, G, O, O, R, O, O, Z, the gurus. I don't like that. Um, so let's, let's just define what it means to drink the Kool Aid of the scripted, templated crap. Ola,

Suzanne Taylor-King  3:06  
yeah, and

Paul Gordon  3:08  
let's know for a moment. Shall we all? Because I'm not talking to Sue's, I'm talking to you. Is watching this? Okay? Let's just admit it's okay. You can admit to yourself, yes, I have heard the scripts and the templates being claimed to work by all of those people out there who make everybody sound exactly like everybody else. Man. Yet, you know the truth, the business world is the only place in the world where we actually pay attention to that shit, as if it means something. I

Suzanne Taylor-King  3:53  
know I and it is shocking to me, how many times how many clients I have received over the years who have been in the space before me? Of 10,000 20,000 $50,000 programs that were literally a cookie cutter, everybody was creating the same exact webinar. Everybody was creating the same exact course, from a template, from a script, and they never got to talk to the coach. And I just think to myself, Wow, I'm so glad I don't believe in anymore, you know, Yep,

Paul Gordon  4:37  
yeah, there's a, you know, there's okay. So when people say, and there's a lot of them out there who say, it's easy, all you do is go out there and be authentic. Yeah? People parrot that. Yeah. Let's just remember what that actual. Fully is code for that is code, or, I don't know how to teach anything about that shit, so I'm just gonna pass it off as if it's easy. Yeah, yeah. And, you know, the fact is that it can be learned by anybody. I mean, you were in my you know, I did, I did these one hour. I did these one hour thematic sessions once a week for, I don't know it was 1010, 10 sessions worth, and you were in many of those. I remember that each of those was riffing on a particular thing, yeah, and it has everything to do with learning all of the separate aspects of what it means to actually deliver, like, you know, like gangbusters, right? So just, you know, just just, just go out there and be authentic. And people say, oh, I'll just go out there and be authentic. And most people's authenticity is actually pretty fucking boring.

Suzanne Taylor-King  6:04  
Yeah, yeah. Or, or, you know, the the hiding behind PowerPoints and instructional it's not engaging. It's not conversational. And I'll be the first one to admit I can't hide anything with this face, like my facial expressions will give it all away every single time. But that's that's part of what makes my delivery unique. And people feel comfortable with me, and I think it's the same with you, because you're authentic means one thing to me, but I think it's so overused today You can't force authenticity. Let's talk a little bit about that, because you you have a unique perspective on being yourself, but also it's more than that. You have to be speaking to your ideal client. You have to be solving a problem that they need solved. You have to be capable of solving that problem. So there's a lot of layers to just showing up in the world and being authentic. Well, that sounds great, but if you don't have something of value to deliver to those people, how do you show up? I don't understand. Yeah.

Paul Gordon  7:35  
Well, that's, you know. So, so let's, let's just take a look at it from let's, let's parse what you just mentioned, because there are all these working parts, right? Yeah. And so what are they actually Well, for starters, if you don't know what it is you're actually doing and why you care to do it. And if you don't know then, then you know, what are you attempting to do? You're just a Bosman, right? So let's, let's go a little bit deeper. Because if you don't know who you are and why you say the things you truly believe you haven't investigated what it means to actually be a unique individual on this mortal coil, right? Yeah. Now the next thing is, knowing what it is that you care about will allow you to unlock what it means for you offer something that you truly believe in for others, so that they may garner the benefits of what it is you truly believe. Yeah, and use it to great effect in their own right. Yes, yeah. So that. So now we've touched on the idea of who you are that makes you believe what you believe, so that you can say the types of things that need to be said to solve a particular thing. Okay, do due diligence to make sure that you can actually train people in something that's another you brought that up. And there are, you know, there are those who don't know how to teach, but most people can be taught to actually disseminate something of value, yeah, but the but the next thing that, the next thing that I want to that this stuff points to because I live, breathe and research in the realm of what it means to do structured improv of my passionate truths, teaching people how to do that. It requires that they stop trying to though. NLP doesn't have to be used as a bad phrase. I will mention it here because it is designed in the business realm to tickle the manipulative, strategic sales fancies of people, right? And while it has many fine aspects, we can just use that as one of many that people will research and then have their keywords and then try to fashion everything around the strategic manipulative delivery, right? Yeah, yeah. In fact, we know when we are being strategized and manipulated. We all do

Suzanne Taylor-King  10:57  
well, I think, well, two things that you said. Number one, what stood out was, you know this idea that you really have to know yourself. You have to be willing to do all of that self discovery analysis, know who you are, know what you believe in, before you can go out there into the world and help other people like you need to know your your energetics, basically, you know who you are, how you show up, what you like to do, what you don't like to do, what your superpowers are, you know, all of that self discovery stuff, yeah, but then you also said something really interesting. You You have to be able to do it without hook, story, clothes, or whatever framework you know somebody is teaching you to put your thoughts out there,

Paul Gordon  12:05  
right? You have to be able to get out of your own way, say what you truly mean, and speak from the depths of your soul in an unscripted fashion that is not designed to try to get P you know, convince people of anything,

Suzanne Taylor-King  12:19  
right, right? If you

Paul Gordon  12:20  
give them, if, if, if you Sue's are talking to me about what you believe and you want discuss it with me. Yeah, as soon as you try to convince me that what you're saying is right, it's like, you know, I don't give a fuck, right? Care, but you make it very crystal clear why you believe in what you believe in, and then you explain it to me in such a way that shows me your logical progression. Then you have given me the room for me to convince myself, yeah, and when we do that, it is fundamentally different. We're actually respecting people as humans. We are respecting people as individuals and not as a wallet. Yeah,

Suzanne Taylor-King  13:10  
yeah. And I sleep,

Paul Gordon  13:13  
yeah, resting comfortably with your honor instead of being a greasy scumbag.

Suzanne Taylor-King  13:20  
Yeah? And I think what's what's interesting, and I've said this so many times, and you know, if any of my clients are listened to this, that they'll recognize this, that the most successful I've ever been with an offer or a program or a workshop or selling anything, was when I was selling something that I have done myself, and I believed it made a difference for me, and now I want it to make a difference for you. Yeah, period every time I've ever tried to follow a framework of creating something or putting something out there with the idea that I'm going to sell this for $1,000 a person to sell it to 100 people? Never works. Never. And so if, if that's what authenticity is being willing to do the work required on yourself first, before you go out there in the world and sell it to other people?

Paul Gordon  14:34  
Yeah, I come from a world of performance. I've been performing TV shows and stages around the world for a very long time. And so this, this business aspect of things, needs to incorporate certain theatrical principles to understand so that they can actually, you know, not think of you. Theater, the theater of delivery as jazz hands. You know, that's what it is,

Suzanne Taylor-King  15:08  
right? Yeah, yeah. The

Paul Gordon  15:11  
truth is that practically everything we see anywhere, you know, I live, I live just a I live, I live a three minute bike ride from the beach here, and I love it up here, and it's beautiful where we are, and countless times regularly, I will see, as you will, as all of us will, a slice of reality where it's breathtaking, and it's just us, and we might try to take a photo of it, and our phone can't capture the beauty of it, and we tried. And then you save it as you know, whatever type of you know, landscape porn or food porn, or whatever type of stuff you want to call it, and and the truth is that you would like to be able to share that concept as a brilliant, small encapsulation of a moment, and that, in fact, is, in its own way, highly theatrical. And what we were trying to do with, you know, any type of business and theater and performance and film and music and poetry and books and writing and all that other stuff that's also a business. For those who embrace that stuff, that's a business too, and we when we understand that what we are attracted to when we put down, you know, when we close our screen and we stop our business day, the things that we're attracted to are the things that are, you know, unique and honest and truthful and theatrical and emotionally compelling and all of that stuff. That's what we go for,

Suzanne Taylor-King  17:01  
yeah, it's entertainment, it's, it's, it's, it's more than just, you know, occupying your mind. It's actually, you know, stimulating some sort of thought or emotion, right?

Paul Gordon  17:15  
Yeah, the breathtaking, the breathtaking flourish of life, and so because most people in this business space think that presentation comes after they have done some copy paste on scripts and templates, completely misguided and wrong, completely because developing your ability to get out of your own way and say the shit you really want to say, that actually is a process that has a biofeedback loop into what you want to say, saying the shit and learning How to practice it into the camera and on stages and all that stuff, saying it when it has not been fully thought out, will then re in, will then inform and re inform the content that you have attempted to written or memorize. You know, some what are those? The the the teleprompter apps? God, yeah. Well,

Suzanne Taylor-King  18:28  
what is the best way to to clarify your thought is to practice saying it. You have to. You have to. And so many people are unwilling to do that.

Paul Gordon  18:43  
I'm not sure that they're unwilling. I here's, here's, here's where, here's where. I'm going to go out on a limb

Suzanne Taylor-King  18:50  
here and All right, go ahead. Let's go well,

Paul Gordon  18:52  
curveball, I'm not where the people are unwilling. I just think that for the most part, they have been sold a bill of goods by lots of people who don't know how to teach them how to deliver well, but they have to sell them something. All those people out there who are saying, Here's my scripts and templates and they work. They are saying that because they have to sell you something. So we have been sold a bill of goods that that is as much as it needs to be and it doesn't have to be anymore, yeah, and therefore people who don't know will buy the concept that I use those scripts and those templates, and I copy paste, and then I simply, easily and casually bask in the knowledge that I can layer my delivery on afterwards. Yeah, and then they're shocked that it's not so easy. Yeah. But. And you know, if it's the blind leaving the leading the blind, or, you know, you know, all, all the noobs, let's call the noobs. Let's call the noobs fully blind for the moment. Okay, well, eyes opened, and in the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king. So the less than adequate one eyed guru saying something that actually is full of crap. Ola will be bought hook, line and sinker from the people who actually want to eventually have at least one eye.

Suzanne Taylor-King  20:32  
Yeah, yeah. The whole

Paul Gordon  20:37  
idea is, have both eyes and be fully enlightened about this stuff, yes,

Suzanne Taylor-King  20:41  
and I think that that place of you know, becoming aware of the fact that you don't need all of these things that are being sold to you in the entrepreneurial space, this is one of my beliefs. And I'm assuming you share the same one. We'll see, but so many entrepreneurs are sold. Okay, I need to have a website and landing pages and a CRM, and I need automation, and I need AI tools, and I need a podcast, and I need a webinar and a video, sales letter, and I need a Facebook group that attracts free people. That's why there's, you know, 10 million Facebook groups out there to choose from, and all this list of things that supposedly you need to, you know, be a coach in the online space, or an entrepreneur in the online space, we're only sold to you because that's how that person makes money.

Paul Gordon  21:48  
Yeah, right, and yeah, I don't. I don't ascribe to the premise that I that anyone should ever say this is the only way to do it correct. But there are many, many, many out there who have been told that that's what they should do. Yeah. So, you know, I'm a little more maybe, maybe it's humble, but maybe it's just, you know, the same my first rodeo. So, you know, experience and and because I don't care what anyone thinks about what I truly believe, I am comfortable saying you don't have to pay attention to me. You don't have to do a particular thing. You can do it the way you want to. The good news for me is that what I offer people is something that I absolutely 100% know is needed and required by practically everybody, because at a certain point, unless you're doing faceless AI generated YouTube channels, there wouldn't be a certain point where you are going to be asked to speak, and when you are asked to speak, there isn't an editing guru in the world who can save your sorry ass then. And if you have to go out on a stage and present same thing, you have to actually be able to be engaging and be interesting. Because my clients and I, you know, I have, I have many who have just scratched the surface of my programs. And then they appear on their groups, and the people in their group start to reach out to them, saying, how do you do that so well on their and they come back to me on our next session, and they say, they seem to me as if I'm some kind of expert. And I just, you know, I'm just doing what you told me. And I say, own it. Take it. Don't let them know you don't know what you're talking about. And you know, be the authority, because they will appreciate that, because you're different and better than 99% of the people out there

Suzanne Taylor-King  24:05  
apps 100% and what and what part of that really comes down to confidence in who you are as a person and what You're offering. You know is it really determined by your own belief in what you're doing.

Paul Gordon  24:28  
Yes, it's your own belief. I mean, there's, you know, though, there are certain aspects to some of the things that Simon Sinek, or Sinek or and I went to the same university, but he was younger than me, still is younger than me. And you know, though, there are some things that I that I don't always agree with, he does talk about why, and starting with your wine, when you know your why, boy, that really helps a lot. Yeah, yeah. Confidence is not you know, there isn't a fake it till you make it that's worth anything you know. So understanding you know what I truly believe in, which is when you know who you truly are, what you want to say and why you want to say it, don't actually stop you. I know you've heard him say this before, even on those one hour sessions a long time ago. I believe that, with all my soul and over time, with practice, you will get better at actually delivering the things you believe in,

Suzanne Taylor-King  25:37  
yeah, but I think that belief in yourself, the knowing yourself, the belief in yourself, plus being so sure of what you do and what you offer. And that doesn't come, you know, from just I've met many people who have a six month life coaching certification, and then they, you know, jump out into the world to be a life coach, but they haven't experienced enough of life themselves first, but it's also this idea of learning from a book. Does it get you the right? Yeah?

Paul Gordon  26:27  
So, yeah, when you are putting on airs about what you actually feel you're qualified to discuss, you know, there is, there is a difference, and there is a sort of, you know, transparent, you know, falseness, or a tangible element of that, my interest and What I've been working with people you know, since 1987 what I've been teaching people for that time is how one can be one's transparently honest Self and yet dig deep into something that that extracts the unique spiritual qualities in, you know, in that person's sense of things. Everybody we are all unique. No one can like you. No one can see the world the way you see it. No one can explain things exactly the way you do the issue, or at least one of many issues, because we're touching on some of the issues through the course of this. The issue is that we throttle ourselves from the time we're young based on some of our obstacles that we've set up for ourselves due to any a combination of these four factors, mommy issues, daddy issues, peer group issues and inner self critic issues, that's it, and so we have limited ourselves for decades based on the stories and rules that we have determined will, Mm, hmm, you know, be in place for us. You know, forever and learning to get out of your own way and say what you truly mean. Yeah. Uh, takes, uh, sort of breaking free of that. And, you know, people have to unlearn. You do have to unlearn. So that's part of the process,

Suzanne Taylor-King  28:55  
yeah. And I, I think what's really interesting, I realized something in the last year that because of, you know, all the learning, I love to learn personally, like it's my thing, and if there's something I need to learn for my clients, that kind of means I'm getting paid to learn, which is super cool To me. And I realized I had been learning in a space for about two years, and I joined a group of people who were also learning in that space, and hanging out with that group of people, I learned, oh, I know a lot in this space doesn't and it doesn't even matter the space. Space is no all of it, but whatever the topic was, right? And so by being with people who were also learning in that space, my own confidence level on that topic rose. Tremendously, because there was a give and take in that community of people that fueled more learning and it it gave me a place in my own thinking that, Oh, I kind of know what I'm talking about, confidence level, and I want to be able to give that experience to more people. You're doing that in your community as well, right? So it's this idea that when you learn together, you you actually start to realize what you know, but also it's the it's that feedback loop that you talked about you know that you're, oh, Sue, that doesn't make sense. Okay, let me. Let me retool that. And you're getting that real time feedback from people, making you better at it in the long run.

Paul Gordon  31:05  
So you're you're mentioning one of the levels of inclusionary community, right? One of them, one of them is one's own internal knowledge, and the other is the relational understanding that comes from bouncing things off others and having rather than, rather than a master class, which i i Most of the time, I host master classes of some kind or another. And, you know, in in my, in my membership platform, I, you know, I do what I refer to as lightly curating our sessions in order to make sure that, you know, it goes, it goes well. I'm the captain the ship, so I'm, you know, I'm, I'm i Man the deck, and make sure that everything is in in order, as I see it, but, but the rest of it is something that one can glean from a mastermind, where something is, you know, a bunch of people are equals to, you know, or at least equal in the rules of that particular space and and that has a lot of value too, right? If you say something that you're playing with and you have an idea, and then someone challenges you, then you can retool what you think, or you can just take a moment and question it, and then make sure you come down on, you know, on the side of what you truly believe, whether or not it needed to be amended or not. So there's that,

Suzanne Taylor-King  32:53  
yeah, I like that idea of it, and you do this so well, just when I've been in the room with you, rather than being this, you know, stage talking at people, you're this guide that guides the people in the room to the interaction. And I think that's the definition of conscious leadership. And in my mind, that's that's what being a leader is bringing out the best in the people that are in the room, whether it's five people or 500 people.

Paul Gordon  33:38  
Yeah, I think there's a certain amount of, I don't know, humility, maybe, but

Suzanne Taylor-King  33:55  
as long as

Paul Gordon  34:00  
as long as you're not trying to create something that has no room for, I don't know, space to improv and play with and you know, as long as long as as long as you're allowing the thing to breathe, then you can actually step outside of the role of, you know, quote, unquote, Master showman or puppet, or whatever you want to call it. I see so many. I see every now and again, I'll click on some you know, gurus webinar, just to see what it's like. And they're all the same. They see, there's so many of them are the same. They start. They start with this long preamble of, you know why they're so fantastic. And then they, then they include all of the, you know, case studies of all the people that have, you know, it's, it's, and then they, and then they go into, and then they go into bare bones. You. Just scratching the surface, not giving anyone any debt and and it's all designed as a carrot on a stick to get, you know, to get the lowest common denominator people to buy some of their shit. And

Paul Gordon  35:18  
I'd rather you know, I like to let people shine, give people case studies, ask people questions, and give them an opportunity. If people see you improving someone's life, right there and then, yeah, you know, yeah. That's so that

Suzanne Taylor-King  35:44  
is more than okay. That is, that is something I strive for on a daily basis. I really think this is the missing piece of so many presentations that when someone comes to your presentations, they're not getting that preamble of how great Paul is. Yeah, right. They're not getting the Oh, I was on. What was the show you were on? David Letterman. Like, oh, I was on J Letterman, and I did death and I did that like nobody cares. I mean, I think it's cool, but you know what I mean like, and I think so many times people are taught to talk about themselves in that there's nothing wrong with bragging about yourself.

Paul Gordon  36:43  
Well, there's stories. Is so, so, so the great American storyteller from 100 and something years ago, Will Rogers, traveled around the country, and one of his fantastic expressions was, I never met a man I didn't like. And what he meant by that was that if you talk to someone long enough, you will find things in common. But the other great one that I really love is, if you've done it, it ain't bragging. And so, you know, it's perfectly fine, by the way. As an aside with that, one of the things that really, really gets me that I think is just so full of shit. Is this is, are all these posts where people say, celebrate with me. I just had a such and such, and say, Screw you. Don't tell me to celebrate with you. Are you so damn needy? Yes. I mean, wow, but you know, but the idea of, you know, yes, I've been on Letterman. Yes, I performed in, you know. I mean, everybody who's watching this comes from somewhere, and they are some town somewhere on this particular and chances are very good that I have performed on the national television show in your country, and I may have even performed my own stuff in the big theater, either in your town or in the big in in the big city near your town. That's not me puffing myself up. That's just the truth, right? So you know when you can say that. Okay, fine. So what are your truths, and what are the things that you're proud of? And you can say those, but don't go asking people to celebrate you, because it's not about you, right? Calling

Suzanne Taylor-King  38:30  
yourself a thought leader,

Paul Gordon  38:31  
yeah, or a thought leader, yeah? I haven't heard that one in a while, but yeah, that's out there and and, you know, so, so let's even take just a few moments, because I know that, I know that ultimately this podcast will end, and in 15 minutes, I have my next, you know, group coaching session, so we can actually talk for a few moments about, you know, some of the shit that people can do, yeah, right. And then I'll, and I even, you know, I gave you, I gave you, I gave you two links to share. One of which, yes,

Suzanne Taylor-King  39:10  
I posted your pirate content,

Paul Gordon  39:15  
you know. So one of them, you know, I believe in, I believe in the pirate ethic, okay, this is, this is a romanticized version of the pirate notion, because pirates actually had a rough life, but they chose things by design. They were very thoughtful about, you know, what? You know, why? Why become a pirate? Well, it was, you know, there were lots of reasons, but in order to do that, so I have this, I have this pirate mentality and yar mating. So, so Suz posted this thing, the pirate content framework, and it's literally, you know, it's like a 20 page dossier of four different components in full detail, how you can get some of the shit that I actually start people off. With, yeah. And the second thing is, join my join my membership platform. It ain't free. I don't give away, you know, and even what you said a little while ago, Susan, yeah, my training, my my master classes, I don't give free master classes. Yeah, my stuff is unique every single time. Therefore I charge, I don't charge a lot, but people have to pay a little bit to show up. Yeah, because I'm not about to give away the stuff that I know I'm really good at and is going to fundamentally shift the way people think of what they are doing now they support themselves in the world and and online. So it does cost something, and that's because I value what I do, right? Yeah, but here we are in this podcast, and I want to have a moment for people you know, like, how do you how do you stop looking, sounding, feeling, casting, smelling just like all the other miserable, mediocre, generic, poot out there, right? How do you rise above that? Well, for starters, you want to embrace the things we were talking about since we began this conversation. Who are you? What do you believe in? Why do you believe it? Next thing is, and here's a very important thing, we didn't actually, we kind of danced around it. But instead of trying to tell people what you think they want to hear, tell them what you need them to hear, the stuff that you really, really care about. Tells them the things that you know they need to hear. You know, I told you your I told you your video. Authenticity is boring. That's not to insult you. That's a call get it. Understand it. Yeah, Paul, just authenticity, for most people, is boring. And my friend Eddie telling me to just show up and be authentic. He's boring too. And, you know, and Maria says the same thing, and she's not boring, but she doesn't know how to show anybody or explain what it is that she does. She just came by it naturally, and that doesn't make her a teacher of it, correct. So, you know, I tell you things, and you know, you don't have to remain boring forever. You know, just you have to actually take honest stock of who you are and where you are and then get better, right? So that's me saying shit that you need to hear. I don't care that you're boring. No one cares that you're boring. They will take note when they see you improve.

Suzanne Taylor-King  43:05  
Oh yes.

Paul Gordon  43:08  
They will watch you get good.

Suzanne Taylor-King  43:10  
Oh yes. So I've been leading a group for two and a half years, and at the very beginning, two and a half years ago, I had just started a facilitation certification in conscious leaders. Remember, I remember you telling me about this, and minute one into like the third meeting, somebody noticed the difference. Wow, I don't know what you did. They didn't know what was different, but they knew that that session was a different conversation. It felt different. It felt more connected, more emotional, more in touch, more engaging, more I'm definitely coming back again, because this was awesome. I don't know what you did, but that was great. Good,

Paul Gordon  44:10  
nice, awesome. And that's you want people to feel well, right? Exactly, and they won't, necessarily, they won't volunteer that information, but they'll know it, yeah. And in fact, your example just now was pointing to the notion that somebody, you know, you provided material that allowed someone to convince themselves. You know, if I tell you how great I am, or if I tell you, you know, my mom loves my stuff. You know, you know, that's totally different than when I bring it big. And ultimately, you take a look and say, Damn, that person is great, and damn, I really love that person's stuff. That's why we pay attention to particular music. That's why we pay attention to particular act. Or film directors or writers or poets or and, you know, speakers. I mean, you know Tony Robbins, he's kind of famous, right? He didn't look he didn't just do that, right? He presents well because people taught him. Did he have certain capacity? Yes, is his voice gravelly in a way that makes it very, very hard for me to pay attention to want to pay attention for more than two minutes, yes. But he learned delivery from someone who knows Yes, and he actually had many coaches. So did all the other, you know, those, most of those other big guns, they loved that delivery, and it had nothing to do with cookie cutter and formulaic. It had to do with coming into your own. Yeah.

Suzanne Taylor-King  45:59  
I love that. Yeah. Yeah. So,

Paul Gordon  46:01  
you know, I want to, I want to just touch on this idea. Like, you know, most people, most people do a selfie check. Most people are, you know, here I'm going to do myself and check there I'm looking at myself now, but if you look into the camera, I'll in 321, and then you'll see that I'm actually looking at you. You see, if I go, 321, boom, there

Suzanne Taylor-King  46:22  
we are. Hey. Oh, there he is. Hi,

Paul Gordon  46:30  
and you know that, so, you know, we look into the camera looking former land. Yeah, we'll do a selfie check. No one cares about your selfie check. And actually, I'm going to actually throw something else in there, and now we check doubly bad. One is that it's a selfie check, and you're not looking into the camera. And two is that when you are looking at yourself, you are actually focusing on all of the wrong things, which is, how do you look? And if you are not looking at yourself, and you're looking into the camera lens, then you're actually thinking about what you care about saying, and then you will be focusing on the stuff that needs to be said.

Suzanne Taylor-King  47:12  
Can you say that again? Say that again?

Paul Gordon  47:15  
When you are focusing on the camera lens, instead of focusing on how you look in your selfie check, you will be paying attention to what you truly think about that needs to be said, and that is the stuff that people need to hear you say, so you are not allowing the selfie check to distract you by looking the wrong place and By thinking in the wrong way about the shit that you actually need to be delivering.

Suzanne Taylor-King  47:46  
So good, so good. And I, I want to add one thing about connecting with other people virtually. You know, in the land of zoom and video, this is absolutely required if you want people to feel connected to you, your mission and what you do and ultimately pay you money. This is a must. So, just so well said, thank you. Yeah, well,

Paul Gordon  48:27  
you're, you're absolutely right. People will pay you when a get why you're there to serve them, to offer themselves of tremendous value. Yeah, and people, the money will come. It's almost an inevitability. And the fact is that what I just said applies to being on a stage as well. You walk out of the age and you actually don't pay attention as much to, you know how you look. And you you you look at individuals, and you simply relate things that you truly believe in, and then you will become an authority. So you know my work, I mean my membership program, the art of face dancing, this thing that I've been doing for most of my life, my membership is called the unscripted authority Academy, because I teach people to get away from the scripts, and that develops their own authority in what they say in the genre or the realm that people are paying attention to. Yeah, right, so, and it's, it's the academy, because I'm teaching it, yeah, but, but this is about the business of the craft of presenting your passion plays of truth. Beautiful,

Suzanne Taylor-King  49:56  
beautiful. Well, perfect place to wrap up. All of these golden nuggets of wisdom from you today. I appreciate that so much. You. I can't wait to check out your membership. I did not know about this membership, so I'm it, I'm I'm loving this idea from you, and thank you so much for being such an incredible connection. And I love what you do, and I love the shit you say, and just thanks for being here today. Appreciate you.

Paul Gordon  50:29  
Suz, it's a pleasure, and even from way back when we first were interacting, we've always had a wonderful desire to to move within this particular mentality through the world. So you know. I mean, you know you are, you are me when you

Suzanne Taylor-King  50:53  
know you know,

Suzanne Taylor-King  51:02  
love it. I love it. Thanks again. Everyone give Paul a follow on LinkedIn and Facebook and check out his freebie. It's packed full of massive value. You know, I only hang out with people who drop massive, massive value. So have a great day. Everyone. Happy Friday, and we'll talk soon.

Paul Gordon  51:26  
Suze, go get 'em.

Suzanne Taylor-King  51:29  
Thank you for tuning in to another empowering episode of unlock your way. I hope you found today's discussion inspiring and you're ready to take your business and personal growth to that next level. If you're feeling as fired up as I am and eager to unlock that full potential, I'm here to help you on your journey and provide that personalized guidance tailored to your unique goals and challenges, simply book a one on one coaching call with me, and we'll dive deep into your business aspirations and see how we could co create a roadmap for your success, and whether you're striving to scale an enterprise or just getting started, I'm here to support you every step of the way. To schedule your coaching call, simply visit the website at unlock your way with stk.com click on the book a call button, and we'll turn your dreams into that reality. Subscribe and review on your favorite podcast platform and on YouTube, plus you can join over 800 entrepreneurs in the IDEA Lab Facebook group. Let's make success as an entrepreneur happen together until next time I'm SDK, keep dreaming big. Stay focused, and most of all, have fun while you're doing it. You.


Paul Gordon Profile Photo

Paul Gordon


A veteran performer who's captivated over 2 billion viewers worldwide, Paul Gordon has commanded prestigious stages worldwide and TV shows from 'The Late Show with David Letterman' to Japan's 'Shinshun Kakushigei Taikai' to Latin America's 'Sabado Gigante.’ His three decades of international performance experience have culminated in The Art of Face Dancing, a methodology that transforms coaches and entrepreneurs into confident, compelling presenters and content creators.
Drawing from theatrical principles and business strategy, Gordon has trained thousands of professionals in 35+ countries to break free from scripted templates and create authentic, magnetic content that does the heavy-lifting for them. His innovative approach to Camera Confidence, Presentation Mastery, and Content Creation empowers business owners to streamline their sales process by developing their unique voice and personal brand, so they can naturally attract ideal clients through genuine, unscripted presentations.

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