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David McGlennen

David McGlennen Profile Photo

David is a business growth guide who helps companies grow, lead and serve in the new era of business.

He helps leaders integrate their desire for high performance, achievement and growth while focusing on the things they value most.

As an entrepreneur and family business owner for most of his life, he has built and grown several businesses, with a successful exit from a technology company in 2014 shortly before he started Impact Leadership Consulting, LLC.

He is routinely getting out of his comfort zone doing things he’s never done before in order to learn and grow so that he can help others do the same.

He has coached and trained leaders around the world as far north as the Arctic Circle and has shared the stage with John C. Maxwell while training leaders in Paraguay, South America.

He has been married for 35 years and is a father of five adult children and lives in the Pittsburgh region.

One of David’s passions and core values is living an active and healthy lifestyle. He has completed multiple triathlons and enjoys spending time outdoors with his wife Cindy and their two dogs. He does his best to harmonize his business pursuits with living an intentional life.

April 23, 2024

Ep25 David McGlennen - Powerful Productivity and Meaningful Corporate…

In a world that relentlessly pushes for more, Suzanne Taylor-King invites us to consider a radical notion: What if our well-being is the real metric of our success? In this enlightening episode of Unlock Your Way with STK, Su...

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